Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

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He can fuck off with masks in retail.

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Sure what harm are they doing?

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What good are they doing?


Any word on pods bubbles in schools or masks in secondary schools?

Protest from women about ongoing restrictions imposed on maternity services up to and including birth where partners are denied access.

Seems Covid was blamed but it’s not the reason at all

Bizarre stuff. Nobody seems to know who is in charge. Another example of health service providers running health system for their benefit and not the user/patient.


How has the UK done since they lifted restrictions @Cheasty ?

Presume excess mortality all over?

Was in a queue today with a few people at a service station.
And some random man,after he got served,remarked to us as he walked on his way out “Wake up to fuck lads,there is no virus” and kept going.

Description: late 50’s early 60"s,5’5" in height,Arms covered in tattoos,Wrangler jeans,leather waistcoat and didn’t bother wearing a mask.

We really do breed some beauts.

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We do.

99% of face nappies are a waste of time though.

Did the rest of you half look at one another and take comfort in the fact that while you were spineless fools, at least you weren’t alone?

I stopped reading at leather waistcoat. Ape. :smiley:

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That is indeed the case. Around 15% excess mortality in England over the last few weeks.

Mainly vaccine induced strokes and heart-attacks

You come across as if you’ve had at least one of each. Without even being vaccinated. :grinning:

Best of luck in your recovery.

They’ll leave a camera crew in to film a show though.

The ayes have it.

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Sounds very like @glenshane on his way to chop a load of briars.


Maybe,I was going to challenge him but said what’s the point? Little dogs always bark the most.


I see a few wee fellas shuffling their feet and seeking moral support. Tell me, is it cowardice, stupidity or both that keeps you muzzled?


The usual knuckle draggers will be along to label Hertha, nazis and fascists.

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