Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The PCR tests, vaccines and stay at home on full pay and buy shit from Amazon clique?

If the Irish State was concerned about the dollar over all else they wouldnā€™t have borrowed amongst the most in Europe and closed down business the most in Europe.


While Ireland were a bit slow at the outset resulting in a lot of unnecessary deaths they never did go down the ā€œlet it ripā€ mentaller attitiude like other countries.

No, they just piled positive patients into nursing homes so thousands would die. Then they appeased the smug salaried middle classes by giving them 18 months paid holiday plus some beer tokens.


Ireland were one of the first countries to introduce pandemic supports.



Interesting piece in the Atlantic today about authoritarianism. Reading it reminded me of this threadā€¦especially this bitā€¦

"willingness to wield group authority to coerce behavior, cognitive rigidity, aggression and punitiveness towards perceived enemies, outsized concern for hierarchy, and moral absolutism.ā€


Ah Mr T. You see somebody posted up a link to a thread on the attempted doxxing of a former poster on here in July last year. And I started to read it. Guess what I found.
Post 725 on that thread by your good self and directed at @glasagusban

"You lack of empathy for a fellow poster going through a difficult time is telling.

Are you on some kind of spectrum?"

Are you also an ignorant jackass?


By God.

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Yes, that was an ignorant comment. I withdraw it, apologies to those on the spectrum.


Bad few weeks for people on the Spectrum with Sir Clive Sinclair dying and now this.

I , graciously of course, accept your unconditional surrender.

One word sticks out here. Evangelical.

Pity @Nembo_Kid isnā€™t about to try and bring these lads into line as the Church also preachesā€¦.

I saw a new thing today. A man attached a mask to his glasses so that it sort of dangled in front of his face. And sat through a wedding ceremony like that, in a room where no one else was wearing a mask.


Face nappies are a total cod


I saw a fella in the shop the other day (a customer, not an employee, and a young enough fella as well) wearing a visor rather than a mask. It was a real throwback to the early days of Covid.

I havenā€™t been in this thread in months. Are we out the gap yet lads?


Its a staple for the modern day roaster. I get a good laugh at these lads.

He was pawing bread rolls and pastries in the bakery section to bate the band but there was no fear of him, the visor kept him safe.

I reckon they know they are useless but donā€™t want the aggro of not wearing something. We can debate the effectiveness of the blue rags, Iā€™ll say they are a cod and someone will give a decent case for them, a fair discussion. But these visors well and truly are a cod.