Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No no no, we must conquer all death (with Covid).

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I might be confused here but the Medical Xpress must be a right wing source?

They must be, mate :grinning:

Jokes aside, it does show that these vaccines are certainly not perfect.

Sweden and Finland have suspended Modernas use too in people under 30, ie the risk/return didn’t make sense.

I love when Dimmy makes piss poor attempts at sarcasm.

Lads who have to do that only do so because they are afraid to make an actual argument, and don’t have an actual argument, because all their arguments have been blown out of the water.

And Dimmy blew himself out of the water as any sort of serious contributor on this topic a long, long time ago.

That’s what happens when you push Ivor Cummins as an authority on the subject. :grinning:

Robbo following the Tyrone lads in flying the flag for natural immunity.

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The CDC are led by idiots

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The aqueduct, the roads and making a stand against tyranny.

Cops being very restrained there. A few live rounds in among those cunts wouldn’t go amiss.

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The parachute regiment maybe?

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was thinking that as I typed it. where are a shower of murderin bastards when you need em?

OK Derek (was waiting for that a while)

hah! you might have at least used Soldier F’s name. Your shot was a little off target mate.

He got Covid twice, and the second time was worse.

He’s an example of why the “natural immunity” “argument” is pure bunkum.

FAO vaccine fascists:



My younger lad returned to school today after Covid. Back GAA tonight.

He never really got sick with it. Had a bark of a cough for a week or so.

A few of the friends had it too. They weren’t too sick either. A couple of double vaxed parents got it - lost sense of taste and smell for 24 or 48 hours but are ok again now.


I think if you look at the trends in Ireland not just over the last couple of weeks, but since July, things are seriously worrying.

On July 3rd, only 42 people were in hospital with Covid.

Despite many people (including myself) expecting a massive explosion in cases when Delta arrived, it never really materialised. Cases rose but pretty much hit a ceiling of 2k per day.

And yet, hospital and ICU numbers have increased a lot since July. Hospitalisations went from 42 on July 3rd to 384 on September 6th. That dipped for a week or two but then started to rise again and we are now more or less back to that September 6th figure, we’re at 382 as of yesterday.

13 ICU patients on June 26th has now increased to 74.

Simply put, the flow of patients into hospitals is greater than the flow out of them.

Again, I stress that all this is without a massive explosion in cases - in fact cases have been more or less on a slight downward slope over the last two months - which is the really worrying part.

Hospitalisations and ICU numbers have increased while cases have gone down. So what if cases cease to increase, and instead rise again?

With full opening less than two weeks away and winter beginning to close in, if we do see an explosion in cases, say to 4k, which I think is very possible - the hospitals are going to feel serious strain.

And we have five months of winter ahead of us.

The 7 day average for test positivity ratio has gone from 5.3% on September 23rd to 6.8% on October 8th.

At this stage I do expect a similar surge in cases to what we had last year, especially in the run up to Christmas. That will hopefully not mean an explosion in deaths, but it will surely mean a significant rise. And some restrictions, probably post-Christmas, are likely, I think.

The vaccines can’t be approved and rolled out to all age groups fast enough. Same with boosters.



And we’ve hit the 400.