Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I think they calculate the net increase in hospital numbers and compare it to stats on numbers admitted in a given day. If the overall number is increasing faster than daily admissions less daily discharges it can be inferred they were not positive on arrival. That can mean acquired in hospital or suspected positive on arrival but yet to be confirmed by PCR.

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That more Covid in the community in a no restrictions environment equals better healthcare is 100% the inescapable “conclusion” of the OIUTF cult, both here and on wider social media and in society.

The OIUTF cult has consistently focussed on the treatment of other medical problems - “there’s a massive backlog!”

And indeed, this pandemic has, is doing, and will have serious negative implications for the treatment of non-Covid health illnesses and medical problems.

But the OIUTF cult want everything open - with no restrictions. This has always been a non-negotiable demand of theirs. Look at what Sports Gemma has been shrieking over the last year and how much agreement he has got here.

Therefore it is entirely inevitable that what they want will lead to an explosion of Covid.

An explosion of Covid means much worse implications for the treatment of other illnesses and medical problems.

OIUTF sees public health measures as the problem, not Covid. But Covid is the problem!

It’s my belief that society can be opened reasonably safely - but it would take a massive escalation in public health measures - a multi-pronged approach - in order for society to open this winter on a sustainable footing.

There has to be a comprehensive framework encompassing all of but not limited to the following:
i) mass testing
ii) extension of the vaccine roll out down to 0 years when approved
iii) Likely at least three vaccines for all
iv) vaccine passes + Danish style Coronapasses if you want to enter entertainment venues
v) a massive overhaul of ventilation in public buildings
vi) masks, preferably FFP or better
vii) social distancing maintained except where it is not feasible
viii) Maximum 50% capacity on public transport
ix) comprehensive financial supports for those off work

The vaccination rollout to 0 years probably can’t happen this winter but the rest can.

These are the measures that give certainty. Yet again we are going with the wing and a prayer approach and bizarrely thinking that will give more certainty? The wing a prayer approach brings chaos and uncertainty!

Our thinking as a society, and indeed the thinking of most of the world in general, is not remotely where it needs to be to solve this problem.

One thing people havent really discussed in the obsession with covid and hospital overcrowding and ‘why wasn’t there this fuss every year over flu’ etc is maybe the majority of people would like some level of restrictions every winter to protect hospital capacity and older people from all illness flu covid the whole lot? I personally wouldnt but we live in a democracy and maybe a majority of people would give up full crowds at matches, packed indoor spaces etc during the winter from now on?


Top of the class Arthur.


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Flu wasn’t sexy enough for the flu deniers.

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If Covid persists in large quantities in a no restrictions environment enough people will give up going to venues with packed indoor, or even outdoor spaces to make it extremely difficult for many of them to continue to viably operate.

It’s interesting. Until now the issue on over crowding of hospitals and people being on trollies was a HSE issue and their mismanagement/lack of efficiency. The focus was on capacity.

They have used Covid to pivot this to demand and in effect saying that the reason people are not getting health care is not lack of capacity. It’s too much demand.

Never waste a good crisis.


We’ve too few nurses. We better sack the ones with no jab. That’ll help

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There’s absolutely nothing stopping that majority from avoiding those type of events and places every winter as things stand.


Nothing whatsoever. Stay away from any activity you think is not safe.

You’ll always have overcrowded hospitals when you have people with poor personal habits and hygiene

Obesity is a huge drain on our health system.

I’d like to see that addressed in a very vigorous and draconian way by regular testing of BMI and any lad out of kilter is put into a hotel on a low calorie diet. To save other people.


It’s time zero coviders led from the front, they need to remove themselves from society first if they want us to take them as sincere.

Davy Fitz should be offered generous milage to train these lads in the Curragh.

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Could you rephrase that in legible English, please?

Are you saying the health service has enough capacity? How could anybody believe that?

Is it not the OIUTF mob who are saying there is too much demand?

They wouldn’t be saying OIUTF unless they thought there was too much demand.

“Too much demand” means “people seeking hospital treatment who should not be doing so”.

But that concept is a nonsense. People only go to hospitals because they need to.

We can be zero, just for one day.


That’s a slightly different issue. @Arthur was saying maybe people would like some level of restrictions to protect society, whereas you’re talking about personal protection and responsibilities, they’re two different things altogether.

Anyway I don’t agree with the idea of the minimum level of restrictions on matches or venues. Mainly because it’s not clear that those types of activities are a main driver of infection rates.

I was responding to @alf_stewart

We definitely need to get tougher on it. My eyes have been opened to it in a big way in recent years when you’re up close with the schools. Schools is where to tackle it. Of course it’s the parents but I think Teachers and schools could do more too.


Who was responding to Arthur. I thought there were two clearly different concepts going on.