Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

None of this deals with the reality that a no restrictions environment - ie. an attempt to enforce 2019 normality, is not compatible with the situation we face. Especially in winter.

If we are to have any sort of normality this winter we have to change our thinking completely. We are not near that.

See how that works?


3000 cases here today. 60 deaths. Numbers gradually creeping up but about 50% of the levels this time last year. Most cases from low vax areas. Total vax rate 62%.

There is no ā€œbalanceā€ to be had. So called ā€œbalanceā€ is only false balance. False balance equals terrible policy choices, mass spread, a significant increase in deaths, a massive increase in illness and wide scale societal disruption.

ISAG were categorically correct. They have always said that vaccines alone will not solve this. And weā€™re seeing it right now in real time. I know thatā€™s very hard for you and a lot of others here to accept, but youse would be better off for your own good and the good of society accepting it.

Research on that would be informative. Lots of sports injuries and alcohol injuries not there but theyā€™d hardly be that significant or maybe they are

The experts have disagreed with ISAG every step of the way. Arenā€™t we supposed to listen to the experts. Not doing so would be Tory and Trumpian.


I honestly donā€™t know why you go on with it. Theyā€™ve been rejected utterly. Many of their arguments completely discredited as having been made in bad faith. Itā€™s just stupid at this stage.


The experts take a balanced view

You need to start listening to the architects FFS.


Tis the science fiction writers now I hear.

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Oh my word! Bring forth the Iron.

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Donā€™t think thatā€™s true. With the GAA look at how quickly Na Fianna in dublin changed plans for the metro North. The GAA vote is like the pensioner vote. Itā€™s strong in political circles. .

Jesus mate. No one said there will be more in community, its inevitable. That list of requirements you have is unessessary. You have moved your goalposts again. I asked you months ago at the start of the vaccination program at what point do we lift restrictions. Iirc you said 85% fully vaxx. I didnt think we would get that but we smashed it. Now you want 100% which is not possible. We need to open up and live with the virus. The risk is significantly less now as opposed to 6 months ago

UHL is back to the norm of 80/90 people on trolleys a day

Yeah good point on the GPs. I suspect that a factor in the drop of in a&e attendance during the height of covid is you have people going to a&e who probably donā€™t need to (fear of covid in hospital kept them away). Plus with more people out and about more people have accidents.

This is a weird one, Iā€™m sure even youā€™ll agree.
How in Gods name can you go onto a hospital day in day out at the moment knowing the risks you pose to yourself and the vulnerable if you are not vaccinated when one is readily available and all known science points to it being safe? What the fuck do you do with that?

It beggars belief


I know itā€™s not the exact same point but itā€™s indicative of a mindset. Pre Covid the uptake of flu vaccine from medical professionals in hospitals was about 50 per cent. Iā€™d have expected that would be much higher.

The experts that work for Government are hamstrung by Government. They cannot act in an epidemiologically correct way because the Irish Governmentā€™s ideology is ā€œpro-businessā€. Tony Holohan does not run the Government. He has marginal influence.

Weā€™ve seen where that ā€œpro-businessā€ ideology has got us with Covid. It has fucked business.

On the contrary, my friend. Iā€™m one of the very few posters on this thread who will actually engage with others honestly and take on all comers and debate.

The vast majority of posters on this thread behave like babies and are just here to troll and agree with each other.

Obviously posters like that are going to be wrong. Their whole personas are based on being wrong. At least with Tossy, he leaves no doubt that heā€™s being performative. Most of the rest of them are serious and believe what they say, but can never back up why.