Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Should patients in hospital have the right to know whether a nurse who is attending to them is vaccinated?

What if a patient is not in a position to enquire as to such?

You need to answer these questions, because it seems to me you are taking a clear position that nurses and doctors and anybody else who works in a hospital who refuses the vaccine should be allowed to continue working unimpeded. If I am incorrect in this representation of your position, please clarify your position.

Rejected by who?


Pro business ideology :rofl:


Funnily enough the pro lockdown academics who have no skin in the game are happy to throw the working man under the bus.


Thrash that out for us there. What are the stats for a healthy person with natural immunity vs one with a year old vaccination pass…assuming we’re talking about asymptomatic people…? I imagine you’ve given this some thought before adopting a typical absolutist and morally superior position


It’s the pro-business lobby which has fucked itself under the bus, you dimwit.

Business lobby groups can only see in the short term. And they have zero understanding of the dynamics of a pandemic. They can only think through 2019 normality.

A huge part of the reason we’ve had to have such long lockdowns is because of business lobby groups.

And predictably, they are now the people cheerleading the charge to open up, which will inevitably lead to more restrictions or lockdowns which hurt them.

I can think of at least one place business lobby groups got on board with sensible government policy. New Zealand. It enabled business in New Zealand to weather the pandemic to a much better degree than in Ireland.

Pro-public health academics are the greatest ally of business. Business treats them like mortal enemies. Because business is clueless about pandemics.

“Public health v the economy” was always a completely false binary.

Public health benefits business and the economy. Mass public illness fucks business and the economy.

I wouldn’t try to convince you of anything, I’d be surprised if anything I said registered with you beyond your usual condescension.
I believe frontline healthcare staff should be vaccinated, I’m not an expert on anything, you’re an expert on everything


Careful now, they’ll unleash a “study” that focuses on a couple of quarters of economic activity.

I just asked you a question about your expectations of others, you clearly don’t have a clue. I’m not an expert, I just have more manners and respect for these front line workers

Your position here is highly Trumpian.
The experts are lying, a cabal of monied elites are pulling the strings. Only a rag-tag bunch of misfits on Twitter know the real truth. Wake up sheeple!


I posted a well reasoned answer.

This is all you are capable of in reply.

Are you not able to engage with the points I put to you?

Did you listen to Talkback? According to Sam McBride, your mate, Ivor Cummings, is making a minimum ÂŁ60k pa from the suckers who pay for his bullshit.

Do you contribute?

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No. Why would I contribute? Was there much balance to the ‘discussion’?

The same idiots harping on about New Zealand were the equivalent of the idiot Brexiteers except on the anti Brexit side. The FBPE or whatever it was called group.

Spending months and months going on about RORO trade with the continent and how hard it is to disentangle and leave a customs union, but then pretending like that isn’t a tatie in pursuing Zero Covid in Europe.

Spending months going on about migrations being great, then demanding that borders are highly restricted for an indeterminable amount of time.

Claiming to be in favour of the lower paid and marginalised of society, yet supporting a NZ system that left migrants with no social welfare benefits and looked to attract “wealthy” banker migrants to make up for the economic shortfall.

I’d encourage @glenshane to contribute enough* that he no longer can afford to pay for internet access. Would save us having to look at his utter drivel here. Although you could say the same about at least 15-20 other posters.

*To a “cause” other than Ivor Cummins.

I already said I do t have a clue, what the fuck sort of freak looks up stats for ‘a healthy person with natural immunity above somebody with a one year old vaccination pass’
Are we expected to be aware of stats like this before we post an opinion on TFK, go away out of that


You’re arguing with a red herring that nobody is suggesting.

That happens when you’ve been wrong for 19 months straight, have been thoroughly discredited as a poster, are reduced to racist and xenophobic drivel against Australia and New Zaeland, and have nothing whatsoever to add to any discussion on this topic.

No, you’d be expected to know what you’re talking about before deciding what’s best for others

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Balance? You want to hear Cummings as well? His contribution to McBride’s investigations is to threaten (but not deliver) legal action for defamation. Why would anybody want to hear a complete charlatan who monetises lies and bullshit to line his pockets?

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