Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

With a sideline as a tinfoil hat milliner.

I donā€™t know, so Iā€™ll not be deciding if he or she is selfish etc

What does it explain?

Your profession, silly.

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Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re getting at.

Covid has consistently developed variants when it is let spread widely.

What you want - no restrictions - will likely result in a very wide spread of the virus across Europe and elsewhere - which is the prefect breeding ground for new variants.

Therefore the question of future variants and your view as to the possibility of them happening under the no restrictions regime you want to happen internationally is an entirely reasonable one to raise with you.

But your only response is a smiley.

You are acting like a big baby.

Youā€™re another lad who treats public health as a big joke.

What relevance does my or tracksuits profession have?

I genuinely thought teachers were as much in the firing line as any during it all. 30 snotty kids from 30 different homes etc

As a teacher, did ye have to tell the school you were vaccinated or not? Is it mandated?

I donā€™t think I was ever asked to be honest, be?

Teaching online probably protected them from the worst ravages though

Whimsy is the last refuge of a wealth-obsessed fuckwit.

To answer your own question.

The poor old farmers, eh??

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I donā€™t see why it would have to be unless you were dealing with very vulnerable kids, the virus appears to be of little danger to young children and the benefits of proper schooling probably outweigh the risks of them being spreaders


Thatā€™s about as intelligent as Harryā€™s response

Iā€™m not nearly as intelligent as you Iā€™ll admit.
But it appears relevant, you began by belittling the opinions of people who worked from home at any stage, I believe that was why Harry was asking you your profession.
I and pretty much of my colleagues would have been happy to turn up in the school building every day


Yeah but we were still was a deadly virus after schools had returned and teachers had to go back into class.

Nope, I just pointed out the irony of people who worked from home describing healthcare workers as selfish etc. And Iā€™m as thick as champ

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I donā€™t have an answer here btw, not just stirring. I can see why thereā€™s a call for nurses to be vaccinated while i dont agree with it being mandated. Could also see pros and cons for teachers to be mandated too but again would lean on the side of it shouldnā€™t be forced.

Ah you have a very high opinion of yourself, forget the fake modesty.
Some people worked from home because they had to, others had to turn up for work, neither group are heroes or cowards or lazy or anything else, all are entitled to an opinion on absolutely everything. Just cause you donā€™t agree with it donā€™t get so pissy, I worked from home for a while because I had no choice in the matter