Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Tbf, Iā€™d say the nurses who did turn up are pretty close to hero. Particularly to turn up at the very early stages when there was sheer panic about contracting it.

Thatā€™s a major reason I think they should be afforded their own choice in the matter.


Iā€™m a lovely fella and Iā€™m right all the time, otherwise Iā€™ve very little going for me

Look, they did their job in difficult conditions and weā€™re all grateful for that, but it wasnā€™t wartime or anything, I feel like weā€™d all have responded the same.

But (in my opinion) they really need to be vaccinated now, it seems bananas that they wouldnā€™t be

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I think thatā€™s pretty dismissive tbh.

Hear you on them being vaccinated but you donā€™t think same applies to teachers given kids canā€™t even bring a bar with nuts into a classroom any more but no issue on being vaccinated?

Iā€™m not advocating mandating by the way. Iā€™m just curious as difference in viewpoint

So ventilation and vitamin D is the solution, not vaccines. About time you saw the truth. Weā€™ve been trying to tell you this for 18 months.


Iā€™d say you believe it too.

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Excellent research, tremendous service to the forum. You may feel youā€™re not having any influence on lads like @mikehunt but heā€™ll be down the bingo promoting the merits if vitamin d in no time.

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Good man Willie, if only you were in government.

He voted the passes in initally. He is some chancer.


As Jim Kemmy said Mighty Mouse in Limerick church mouse in the Dail



Stage 5ā€¦ā€¦

Real shift in your e-mood. Tetchy approaching seething.

We donā€™t have 90% vaccinated. We have 1.45 million people with no dose of vaccine.

Hā€™on the Bhoys.

Surely be just vaccinated people in nightclubs?

Seems to be a new variant coming out of Scotland, AY.4.2.

Currently 12.95% of Scottish sequences.

Fcuk them yella belly son of a bitches

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It does beg the question are they given the duty of care to patients required if they are refusing to see them unless they are tested? Itā€™s putting a barrier to care, that may not be related to covid.

Its terrible on parents ike you have said. It really baffles me.