Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I think so , Judging by people who wouldn’t have moved too far from
Home at the beginning 18 months ago are now moving a lot further … i think there has been a huge mental scar left on people form
The lockdowns …
Is there an overall Labour shortage or just in industries where it pays to still live off the PUP squirrelled away?

Yeah mate, that’s more or less what I said. Schools, pubs, nightclubs, any public buildings really. Would you ever stop using “gaslit”, you sound like a complete tit.

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Lot of kids getting RSV. Not usually an issue here pre Covid as kids fight it off but as kids have been isolated it’s an issue now.

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Gaslighting is a highly relevant concept to our public discourse. It has been the primary tool of those who have consistently downplayed the threat of Covid.

So I’ll continue to use it, thanks.

Very serious for kids that are immune compromised.

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People have always “squirreled away” money. Yet there weren’t labour shortages previously.

It’s the pandemic that has left the mental scar on people, not the lockdowns.

The pandemic is still around. Lockdowns no longer are and haven’t been for quite some time.

Every child in the country seems to be sick at the moment

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My youngest has it for ages …go to doctor and straight away sent for covid test …two negative tests later and then eventually reffered to crumlin hospital for x-ray , to wait 5 hours in a room packed full of kids coughing and spluttering , only to be told same thing the fookin local gp told you originally and no need for x ray …:man_facepalming:


The data up north shows that hospital admissions seems to be highly correlated in terms of vaccinated status.

The highest number of positive cases are in the least vaccinated cohorts yet the highest rate of hospital admissions and deaths are in the most vaccinated cohorts.

I think what this shows is vaccination status is of utterly negligible benefit if you’re young, fit and healthy.

Yet the narrative is this is all the cause of the unvaccinated, it’s nothing to do with it. The problem is health services not fit for purpose. This has been a health service crisis from the get go and trying to spin the narrative and blame a few 20 year olds or that for not getting vaccinated is ridiculous.

We have choices, if you’re scared of the virus and scared about what it might do to you and other people, lock yourself away from it. If you’re not scared, live your life. If you have any sincerity in your position, you have to walk the walk, sadly a lot of the Screaming Marys mainly just use it to engage in a bit of posturing but aren’t very good at adhering to their own mutterings.


The grapevine would already tell you there are multiple outbreaks of Covid in various Irish hospitals.

It’s October 18th.

And we have Delta, probably a new super Delta from Scotland on the horizon, and we’re supposed to be lifting all restrictions.

Hospital is not a place you want to be this winter.

That’s the point …I think when people weigh it up they are prepared to take their chances due to effects of lockdowns …

I’m not saying you’re wrong , I’m saying I think a lot of people are prepared to live with it as opposed to avoiding it like before …

Lady on radio said after malaria it’s a leading cause of infant mortality worldwide but that’s due to malnutrition and underlying health issues.

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I don’t think that’s really the case. People want to live their lives in some form for sure, they probably think they have to, but I think there is still wide caution out there. And I think before too long that’s going to turn to wide fear, which will be rational fear.

Most people have to just get on with things in terms of work, they don’t have much choice. The things we have a choice in, the discretional economy, that is what will be badly hit. And that has serious knock on effects.


I was involved in a “fast track” ARU that was specifically intended as a respiratory emergency A&E effectively last July. Work projected to start early Autumn 2020. Costs and preliminary designs sent in for work to start and be finished around early spring this year. Put on hold. Went out to tender. Costs far more now. Might be started some time next year. The HSE never astound me in their mismanagement of capital spend and how to program works. They’ll throw out millions to some joker for fake ventilators, but not actually build hospital space to cater for patients.


Spend billions upon billions on lockdowns and not add a handful of ICU beds


Penny still not dropping.

is he back?
he takes some Summer holiday in fairness to him
Id say he puts the absolute shit up yer man Glynn, the poor fella was scrambling there last Wednesday , you could clearly tell he knew he was set for the mother of all bollockings this week… the picture of Leo with the shirt off at rave in essex or wherever he was id say has Hoolahan absolutly bulling, he’ll crush these bastards yet

Hoolahan is some man tho to get the public on board, he put the whole place into L5 last October and was public enemy nunber one, then you had everyone screaming for a meaningful christmas and this was the great bit - the fuckers who wanted the place open for christmas were the same people calling the government murderes in january for recklessly opening the place up- now this could only happen in ireland but in fairness to Hoolahan he was playing a long game and he knew he’d have his day…

there is fight left in the cunt yet, he’s a hardy , cute bastard- FF/FG dont know how to play him- shinners will say nothing and flip flop but maybe its the best approach, play dumb and say nothing for fear of opening your mouth to confirm it


Again that information is quite misleading as the vaccination status of the u34 bracket probably would not have the required coverage until around early Sept eg. 2 weeks after final jab.

They hardly help themselves anyway, weren’t pregnant women being advised to not get the jab at the early part of the vaccine rollout? People must surely appreciate why a pregnant woman would be worried about what an experimental vaccine would have on the child they carry.

Obviously anyone in poor health, elderly or with an underlying health condition who passes up on the vaccine is taking a chance on their health.

It just serves to show that young, fit and healthy people are not getting severely ill from Covid, with or without vaccination.

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