Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

And for context, there had been 270k positive cases reported by that date in June. Nearly 150k have been added since.

Nearly 2,000 have ended up in ICU in Ireland. Cases are skewed by relative testing throughout the pandemic and ICU is also skewed about when beds were rationed. Itā€™s quite clear that vaccine is providing a hell of a lot of protection against severe illness.

Yes and thus we would have seen less people in ICU over the summer if the vaccine had been available to all earlier.

This is it. Many of those hospitalised with underlying conditions etc may well have wanted to get the vaccine put the vaccine was not available to them at that time. It was only really around June time where the vaccine rollout actually started to get going.

But again, vaccination does not seem to make a blind bit of difference to anyone u40, fit, healthy without underlying health conditions. Rather than running gaslighting campaigns telling everyone to get vaccinated regardless of their own position (& by extension making social outcasts of those who donā€™t), theyā€™d be far better off running an honest campaign targeted at the cohorts who the vaccine is of use to.


I would buy chestys book of covid poetry. We will get a modern dulce et decorm et

Super delta. Jesus I hope your wrong. But it made me think of this immediately

surprised chair GIF by South Park

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Jared from Subway said everybody needs AIDS and Boris Johnson says everybody needs Covid.

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So hereā€™s to you, Callum Robinson
Covid loves you more than you will know
Whoa, whoa, whoa
God bless you, please, Callum Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those now dead
Because you spread
Because you spread

Weā€™d like to know a little bit about why you decide
Weā€™d like to know why you canā€™t help yourself
Look around you all you see are anti-vaccine lies
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home

So hereā€™s to you, Callum Robinson
Covid loves you more than you will know
Whoa, whoa, whoa
God bless you, please, Callum Robinson
Heaven knows you chose Covid 19
Not the vaccine
Not the vaccine


You havenā€™t a fucking breeze God bless you.


How would you know? Youā€™re the guy who is incapable of challenging and questioning anything, so once again - how would you know?

On the contrary, heā€™s full of wind.

Donald says stop testing and blame chi-na

A pivotal 24 hours ahead


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I was just thinking out loud. Itā€™s what sprung to mind when reading your post.

i know of one footix who went to the liverpool game and passed away after

Fuck. Was he murdered by Liverpool fans?

Number of people in hospital with covid up 44% in two weeks. Up to 484 now.

At least you donā€™t have to worry about his carbon footprint

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A fair chunk caught it in there going by some accounts Iā€™ve heard from a certain mid west hospital


I hate to say it but I think cheasty and tassotti might be right. Meaningful Christmas here we come.