Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Drinks stopped at 11 on Saturday night once again. Back to house party. Makes no sense.

Everyone’s withered from talking about it.

Your local shebeen owner might want to consider contingency plans for Christmas.

They want to continue all current restrictions, that will not be enough for the hermits though who wont be happy until the entire nation is once again in level 5 lockdown.


Was out Saturday night in town for first time in long while as we were in there early. Saw a good few lads who I hadn’t had the craic with in ages.

The local shebeen is shite in comparison.

I’d be sort of guided in my thoughts by the lady from the INMO who was on Virgin Media just now.

Hospitals are fucked.

I’d prefer not to live in country where people can’t treatment if they get sick. If people want to do that, they’re free to fuck off to America.

That was happening long before covid and will continue to.

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St Johns hospital in Limerick is always quiet enough.

If you’ve a broken arm or whatever. It is the finest.

You might never come out of the so called Limerick (Regional) University hospital though. Its being like that for 3 decades too.

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You aren’t dealing with the reality of the situation. The 2019 and before situation is not remotely comparable to this.

This is different level stuff.

And the hospital staff in this country are drained and demoralised from 19 months of this.

It is fascinating how the same people who were crying bloody murder over hospital backlogs now seem content for the country to have no functioning health service.

That’s some pivot.

And you have no emphaty for those hospital staff that after all their fire fighting of covid over the last 19 months ,choose not to have the vaccines?

That is some pivot. Are you going to take back your claps outside the door for same?

Would you not consider fucking off yourself.

You’re being a terrible nincompoop.

i) Very few medical staff are refusing to take the vaccine. Can you give me an example of anybody working in ICU who has refused to take it?

ii) I have no empathy for anybody who takes a decision to put the lives of those they are supposed to be caring for at significant risk. If such rare people do exist in the Irish health service, no I have no empathy for their decision, because they would be showing no empathy to those they are supposed to be caring for.

Whereas you and others who refuse to deal with the reality of this situation are showing no empathy to anybody working in the health service. Or the patients who will have to go through it this winter.

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Keep posting along these lines, buddy. It only helps demonstrate my points.

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Are hospitals as busy as their saying? I doubt it.

You’d have to ask the dogs on the street and internet experts. They know the most, certainly far more than anybody actually working in a hospital.

69% favour INCREASED restrictions says a Claire Byrne poll.

Yis are out of step, lads.

In fairness half of them also want people to be tied down and forcibly injected.

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Nobody favours that. But if we’re serious about ever getting back to normality, we need everybody to get vaccinated, down to 0 years when approved.

And it might be a three dose vaccine, it might be four.

That’s the reality.

And if people continue to refuse, I’d have no problem in saying I think they should be cut out of society - sackings, no social welfare if necessary - because otherwise there might not be much of a society left, it’s that serious.

I don’t know what the legal implications of all that are but something drastic may well be necessary. That will depend on the decisions of those who are not vaccinated.

Frankly, fuck them.

Young peoples lives ruined for another few months. Absolute disgrace. Mental health epidemic upcoming.


Dangerous when the prerend left wing crowd are openly saying this. It really is.

These are the people that care about everyone else traditionally. It is genuinely crazy stuff.

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