Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The unvaccinated care for nobody.

Our society faces an existential crisis.

It’s that simple.

And no bleating or rhetoric will change this.

Youse are the people who will decide if we ever get back to normality. Or not.

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Everyone that I’m talking to “remotely” is or knows of a breakthrough case at the moment.

Some going to be more implacable than the Orange Order and the TUV and the Red Hand Defenders put together.

Young peoples lives stopped mattering a long time ago. The bed wetters have either had their fun or never had it in the first place. They are very selfish.

As a young adult we have become set in our ways that we are not really going to get normality back again. Its actually easy to see why lads are turning to drugs all over the country, where is the buzz in going into a pub being checked with a covid cert without loud music and being shown the door at 11 o clock on a Saturday night.


Are you in favour of making the unvaccinated homeless?

We need to vaccinate the homeless.

I didn’t say anything about wanting to make them homeless, I don’t. But it seems a lot of them do want that.

Hold on now. You’re saying they shouldnt receive social welfare payments even above.

You’re a massive advocate for vaccine mandates in relation to jobs.

You are going to destroy peoples lives with that political persuasion, do you not get that?

That is frankly a shocking post.


Well you’re the person that preaches personal responsibility. If people want to ruin their own lives - and the lives of others, let them take personal responsibility for it.

The truth is we’re in a shocking situation. And I don’t see why we should pander to the feelings of those who are hell bent on keeping us in that situation.

Messaging clear as ever:

We’ll soon be cutting the ‘double-jabbed who are refusing boosters’ from society.


The Twitter bed wetters were out moaning about some pubs and Covid certs today. Expect some enforcement theatre this week to satisfy them and to try get the actual theatres fully back open. Get Cardinal Holohan out with a batton into some rural pubs checking QR codes front and centre on 6.1.


The certs are going to be a mess. Denmark are giving boosters for J&J but have warned that it could mess up your Covid cert so to hold off if you’re travelling. :grinning:

There’s no real need to rely on certs for travel anyway, so get as many jabs as you want or don’t want, as the case may be.

I was shocked to learn bed wetters do frequent public houses.

I think I’ve wet the bed at least once after spending too much time in public houses.

Enforcement is quite strong from my experience. Only place I never get carded in I regularly get a coffee in and would be friendly with the owner.

It seemed to be all the rage today, excuses Monday for some people’s fear and it suits NPHET and the politicians to put the blame there.