Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The reality is that if things stay as they are in terms of restrictions yis will be doing very well.

Than why are the US, UK most of Europe basically fully open yet we still are having these discussions? We are a complete outlier

By the looks of the advice it seems as if there will be an extension of how things already are, perhaps with greater enforcement, and indeed some further lifting in specific areas again with greater enforcement.

This as winter and Christmas approach is a pretty fair approach I would suggest. Do you really think it’s a good idea to have no restrictions on pubs over Christmas while vaccine effectiveness reduces and people are all on top of each other inside with no ventilation?

The mistake that the government made was to mention all restrictions lifting on 22nd October. That was never going to happen.

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The first pandemic where the worlds population increased during it !


I don’t have the full facts to hand, old pal. But it seems that it was their own decision to move to online learning alright. I think a lot of school principals have expressed annoyance at the slow/lack of response from the authorities when clusters of cases have emerged in the classroom.


Have they ever clarified if people are in hospital with Covid or because of Covid.

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I think there would be small enough kick back against retaining the covid cert. I doubt it has had a big negative impact on many people’s lives. Anyone who cares about going to pubs or nightclubs for the most part will get vaccinated in order to do it.

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We are most definitwly an outlier in Europe. More vaccinations, more restrictions and more cases.

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Any reason as to why the situation will magically improve in February?

Will they fuck. Bad data forcing bad decisions.

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Not a bad decision if you are a HSE manager and want a free pass from criticism over a trolley crisis this winter. People need to stop getting sick.

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More than 40% of hospital admissions weren’t confirmed positive on arrival. Either awaiting a PCR or hospital acquired.


End of flu/winter infection season.

“ok we promise to socially distance, open the clubs!!!”

Your angle is almost certainly correct but outside who’s to blame what do you think they should do ? We are where we are as they say and where we are is a health system with very low capacity.

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I’m not against restrictions as such and vaccine certs and antigen testing should be used. They also need to outline a plan to increase hospital capacity and put in place better measures to prevent in hospital transmission of infection.

We seem to be in a situation of rolling restrictions but not much plan as to how to get out of that or what metrics would apply. 92 per cent vaccination rate is incredible and beyond anything anybody envisaged so I’d like a plan now to say we will build out capacity if not for 2021 winter then for 2022 winter and HSE are accountable for delivering that capacity

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breaking news
of 32 players
9 declined tonight
x1 parents working
x1 no reason
x7 sick ( no other details)

of the 23 that come , at least half will be coughing and sneezing

Its back boys



I never knew young people get colds in changeable weather

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Covid has made colds extinct. Covid is the only game in town at the moment.

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