Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You have very cleverly attempted to move the debate from one about facts (the massive increase in hospitalisations) to one about blame.

Neat trick.

The debate about what needs to happen now should be about facts, not blame.

@Bandage did the wexford school basically go on a solo run and ignored dept of Ed or was it they received no real guidance in first place ?

Care to make a prediction yourself abut what would happen in a no restrictions environment?

Youā€™re all dark anger but no light.

Why canā€™t we go back? Itā€™s another disease we need to be conscious of but not let dictate are lives. A good chunk of people like myself got the jab as we saw very little risk to it and it will help us get back on with what resembled a normal life. Iā€™m not bothering with a booster. Whatā€™s the the point. We were told we will reopen. Reopening was delayed in July to facilitate a greater volume of people to get fully vaccinated. Iirc it was around 70% then now we are 93%.

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The point is that the effects of the vaccine start to wear off after six months. That was always the situation.

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Because it would cripple the country.

Youā€™re not being serious about this. Youā€™re using magical thinking.

So a rolling not reopening as everyone needs boosters. Fuck it if we are going to be in the same situation regardless why bother

Because itā€™s a good thing to have a regard for the safety of your fellow humans.

Cripple how? As Iā€™ve stated our health system has always been a shambles. No one is forced to engage with society but forcing people not engage is a different scenario. We are the outlier despite having more restrictions and a greater volume of vaccinated. Explain that with some rational thought.

Humans are destroying the planet. There is already too many of us

Covid is in charge here mate. It has been since the start. Vaccines are the only defense we have to it but thatā€™s not bullet proof.

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In which winter was the health service in a worse position, 2019-20 or 2020-21?

Iā€™ve actually had a look at this and we are not an outlier.

Killing off a load of them isnā€™t going to improve matters in any way. Making a hell of a lot more sick isnā€™t going to help matters in any way.

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Covid is going no where. We have to live with it. The rational thinking is live woth it after vaccination. This where we are. The goverment is time and time again breaking the social contract with the public by taking more and more here. So in future when faced with the same choice get vaccinated and live on why would the public believe the government?

We are an outlier worldwide. Some of the most restrictions and highest vax rate but highest case numbers and hospitalisation. Why? I donā€™t expect you or anyone to have the answer but this question is not being put to nphet or the goverment

Pandemics have come and gone and there will more. Why are we fighting the disease like this when everything we are trying is failing miserably?

In what way are we an outlier?

Iā€™ve already shown that we are not an outlier in terms of restrictions. We are not an outlier in terms of deaths. We are not an outlier in terms of illnesses.

Ah here.

Have a look at what I posted about Russia on the world thread. You want us to be like that?

You even want us to be like the UK?