Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

How can every other country in Europe open their nightclubs as normal and we cant?

I don’t think that’s true

Kamikaze attack lands Yellow Vest in the clink

that too, which a lot of people against the vaccine dont like, being told what to do and having to conform.

Ireland looks set, though, to relax more restrictions than some of its EU counterparts.


In France, as in Ireland, people must wear face coverings on public transport, but must also do so in all public indoor settings except those where health passes must be shown to gain entry. People must also have a health pass (equal to our Covid cert) to take long-distance train, bus and plane journeys internally. Ireland’s current plans are to scrap vaccine certs for entry to all venues and events. These are required in France for any event that brings more than 50 people together indoors.


Masks must be worn in busy outdoor settings in Germany, while the plan is to ditch masks for most settings here, but in most regions of Germany the regulations are broadly similar to Ireland.

Public events in enclosed spaces in Berlin may permit a maximum of 2,000 people if all requirements are met. For indoor events, all participants must be able to show proof of a current negative Corona test, a complete vaccination (both doses) or a previous Covid-19 infection.

Outdoor public events may take place with a maximum of 2,000 persons but if more than 100 people are present, testing is mandatory for all participants. Events in Germany do have the option of employing a ‘vaccination-recovered’ model whereby attendances can be increased if all attendees have a vaccine or recovery cert.

Matches in some German states are now permitted to hold 100pc of capacity but others within the federal state are capped at 50pc.


Ireland’s proposed October 22 relaxation of Covid measures will also exceed some of the current relaxations in Spain.

In the Madrid region, outdoor gatherings in bars and restaurants are limited to groups of 10 and indoor groups are limited to six.

In Madrid nightclubs and late-night venues, masks must be worn at all times except when eating or drinking, and no dancing is permitted. None of these restrictions will be placed on Irish nightclubs after October 22.


Italy still requires a Digital Covid Certificate to gain access to various public spaces, including but not limited to: indoor seating at bars or restaurants, public events, sporting events and competitions, swimming pools, gyms, spas (where these are indoor).

I wonder how will assess the impact of not wearing a mask while dancing? Sl

To prevent them developing a more effective natural immunity perhaps?

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Can you explain how you think Ireland with its nightclubs closed is less restricted than the countries that you’ve referred to there with their nightclubs open? Most of them having them open since summer.

One thing I’d note is that the articles that purport to give an overview of restrictions are often littered with mistakes, I did a quick google there and found an article that informed me that nightclubs were open in Ireland.

Just getting my flu jab now.

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I copied and pasted that. Like everything else on covid nobody really knows what’s going on. Nobody. It’s all guesswork and making it up as people go along. Sure you’d hear Sweden are fully open and others saying Sweden have restrictions about masks etc. Nobody seems to know. All depends what side of the argument you picked at the start.

I think the point the Indo were making though was that if October 22nd had gone ahead as planned we would then have had the least restrictions in western Europe bar the UK. No covid certs etc.

There needs to be more respect shown to Covid 19 survivors who choose not to get the vaccine.

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Yeah fair enough, but that’s completely specious reasoning really. It’s like Sid saying other European countries have more restrictions because they use passes more widely than we do, when in fact they’ve had more things open for months now, even if they now use vaccine passes for access to these things.

I think it’s a bit bizarre to even think to suggest that Ireland has fewer restrictions because we’ve kept things closed and so because they’re closed restrictions don’t apply. Mental gymnastics.

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Got mine this morning, Covid Jab x 2, Covid recovered and Flu Jab, I am bullet proof


Dev and arch Bishop Mcquaid would be loving this

If we opened as planned on Friday come Saturday 23rd who would have had more restrictions than us? I think all countries use covid passes for certain things and we wouldn’t have had them at all. I’m not even arguing for one way or the other I was only out lining what was going to happen (copying and pasting) we would have gone from one of the tightest regimes all along to one of the loosest. Now we’ve gone from one of the tightest to being more in line with the big countries in Europe.


Do you get a pension as a Covid survivor ?

Just saw table service has to continue in bars. I’d love to see any data at all on the difference it will make to having table service versus bar service in a normal bar setting.

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So then you can’t stand in pubs still? I’m happy enough with the table service :smiley: but not sure how pubs can keep going with reduced capacity.