Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

“Natural immunity” is a cod.

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There seems to be a hysteria and people are not thinking about how a vaccine works - it doesn’t work without your immune system.

I still maintain the vaccinated and the Covid survivors is driving down deaths and hospitalisations to a very large extent.

It’s OK we’ll get to the bottom of this Damien is on the case.

Mudderagawd reading the replies to that is depressing.

Correct, you can see that in the numbers currently dying in the UK, it is still largely within the vulnerable groups, although the media would like to promote it as if only unvaccinated were hospitalized or dying. In the past 4 weeks there were almost 4X deaths among the vaccinated as the unvaccinated, although that was predictable with such a high percentage vaccinated. If you don’t have a reasonably healthy immune system the vaccine has nothing to work with.

What is concerning now is the increase in serious illness among the vaccinated. Anecdotally I am hearing about more and more younger people (30 - 50) who have been vaccinated and are getting very ill.


What I find fascinating is that the vast majority of the population are just happy to go along with these leaky vaccines.

They’re a joke. Even that cunt De Gascun said so the other day.

Viral load and transmission between the vaxxed and unvaxxed is the same.

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"It’s a disgrace the blatant lies being spread by governments and media regarding natural immunity. Here’s a study by the UK government which I’m reading about in the media which proves my point… "



So how many UK media outlets are covering this study? Forbes is a US publication.

Have the Guardian reported on it? You can be sure they would if the study had the “right” outcome.

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We had Covid in house, an ongoing exposure and none of the vaccinated amongst us got it. I know of some double vaxxed who did get it - similar age, situation.

It’s hard to know what to make of it.

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It seems to be specific to the individual whether they get symptoms and how the disease develops. Genetics.


All medicine is a joke.

Especially chemotherapy.

I prefer natural immunity.

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How are numbers in England? I dont follow it anymore.

Would you not go away and have a look yourself?

Hardly going to get the gospel truth here, kid.

Cases heading back up towards the January high.

Leaky vaccines.

Don’t shoot the messenger. Their efficacy is waning bigtime. You and I both know it.

“Breakthrough cases” are going to rattle things very soon.

You don’t understand the most basic concepts about vaccines.

Boosters will be needed for everyone that has had two jabs before Christmas.

You can search yourself next time. It’s not hard to do. But the “media” did indeed report the study you complained about them not reporting.


Just the 223 deaths today in the UK, the highest since January.

Leaky vaccines.

They do nothing for anyone relatively healthy. It is a cod.

The article below surely is not biased

The UK pandemic is currently being driven by the unvaccinated young, and is leaking into higher age groups. Vaccines were never 100% effective or advertised as such. The likes of ISAG and Independent SAGE have always said that vaccines on their own could not end the pandemic.

But have a wee comparison of what’s happening in Romania in terms of deaths to what’s happening in Britain if you think vaccines don’t work.