Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Is the above piece from Healthline telling fibs Sid?

Your link is from 2015. :grinning:

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Did you read the content?

Look, I couldn’t care less anymore, let live and all that.

No point debating this anymore realistically. It is what it is.

Given your long record of linking to insane stuff here I generally don’t read anything you link to.

Virology was only invented in 2020.


Knowing what year a link you posted to was written was only invented in 2021.

So there are two doomsday scenarios with Covid, hopefully neither materialize but they can’t be ruled out.

ADE occurs when the virus uses the antibodies produces by vaccination to more efficiently enter our cells. There were years of vaccination efforts for MERS and SARS-1, both were abandoned because of fears of ADE and evidence of ADE seen in animal studies. There is no evidence of extensive testing for ADE prior to emergency use authorization by any of the vaccine manufacturers.

The second risk is the emergence of a variant among the vaccinated that eludes our immunity altogether, this is the risk talked about in the article you posted, Marek disease in chickens. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution and natural selection would recognize this risk, as the selective pressure on any organism is always dictated by their environment. In an environment where everyone is vaccinated, but the virus can still infect and transmit, the selective pressure is driven by the goal of evading vaccine antibodies.

Google and Facebook would delete this post, but any immunologist who is being honest would be aware of and fear these risks.

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You’re spot on. It’s why a lot of people in my family have been hesistant.

Sincerely hope neither of those scenarios come to pass obviously.

I don’t think it can be ruled out though unfortunately.

There hasnt been any ADE trials completed sure?

The 3rd booster, was that trialed?

The answer is no to both.but, people believe big pharma would never do anything wrong. We’ll all be grand lads.

I get that. I hope they’re right.

The same lads that claimed Covid was “done for” and “a cod” now going all Doomsday, in their own words.

You couldn’t make it up.

The objections reasonable people have to “Big Pharma” are mainly their sharp business practices, not their products. Not 100%, but mainly.

Go back to when the state was negotiating to buy the cystic fibrosis drug Orkambi in 2016.

The words “Big Pharma” got thrown around a lot.

Why? Sharp business practice. Not the effectiveness of the drug.

Same with the IP rights around these vaccines.

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Leaky vaccines spell trouble @Cheasty

At least be honest about it.

It’s not the vaccines that spell trouble.

It’s the mass spread of Covid, driven by the unvaccinated, which you have consistently cheerled.

If we didn’t have the vaccines, we genuinely would be in what could at least loosely be termed a Doomsday situation this winter.

As it is, the situation we’re in is bad enough.

What a horrible wee wanker

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@Lazarus, you might set me right if I have any of this wrong, but is it not the case that there is no definition of ‘nightclub’ in licencing laws and there’s no actual distinction between what society knows as nightclubs and ordinary pubs in licencing.

There’s simply an ordinary licence which all pubs, bars and clubs have, and then a Special Exemption Order for late opening, collquially referred to as a late licence. A venue gets an SEO if it is holding an event, ‘a dance’ being the common event put forward for run of the mill late opening.

It seems to me therefore that any pub that doesn’t want to have to limit itself by doing table service only merely needs to certify itself as being a nightclub and it can allow people order from the bar and remain standing. If the concept of a nightclub isn’t a legal or regulated one, what’s to stop a venue simply saying it’s a club and is applying the guidelines that are stated to be for clubs.

What makes me think this would work is that the only way authorities could distinguish between venues is with SEOs, which apply from 12.30pm onwards. They’re not going to do this as this would means nightclubs couldn’t have dancing and bar service until 12.30pm, which isn’t going to happen.

So dine nuala on the BOM went on a solo run and didn’t follow the advice of the experts. All to get on the six one.

This is what we are dealing with

The courts are full of SEO applications this week

Looks like sporting events have to be all seated so no standing on the terraces.

I think NPHET call that anticipatory behaviour