Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Nobody with a lick of sense cares what you think given you’ve been wrong for the entire pandemic.

In fairness you’re probably in a majority on this forum.

Liar, liar pants on fire. You should stop lying about this stuff and maybe people would take you seriously.


Nobody with a lick of sense takes the OIUTF posters on this forum seriously. But carry on circle jerking.

Lads, can we stop getting the info for this thread from cunts on Twitter at all?

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Why have you twice lied today about the number of people who died in a given period? You’re gaslighting the forum, Mr. Misinformation.


Scrape yourself off the sole of that shoe, buddy.

Ok you’re not going to answer because you’re embarrassed after being caught lying again which is what it is but please stop gaslighting the forum ok buddy :+1:


You seem embarrassed, buddy. But then again you always do. I would be too if I were you.

Should have fucked him into mandatory quarantine until march

No more gaslighting ok?

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The authoritarian nature of the OIUTFers all coming out now.

You need to calm down, Gemma, you’ll explode.

North Korea would be embarrassed by the disinformation on show here.

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Blatant lie
Get called on it
Walk away from it, refuse to address it
Rinse and repeat


North Korea are great at denying they ever have a problem.

I wonder which posters here that would remind me of…

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Checks at airports.

“The next two weeks are crucial.”

season 2 GIF by Twin Peaks on Showtime


OK. Here’s one on mis-info

MHQ was discontinued as it was a roaring success.


You kept those cunts from Kyrgyzstan from bringing in the Delta variant.


I did my job mate. The Delta variant was kept from Ireland.

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