Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Were they at the wake/church or around for the whole occasion? I imagine large groups of people mingling etc.

Dr Tony was asked today was shifting in nightclubs allowed?

It was the pub alright where the cases came from, there was a meal beforehand where I think a few of the attendees returned positive. They were socialising afterwards so they maintain it was the pub.

I dunno the fuck tbh.

One person can infect half a pub but someone who picks it up in a pub doesn’t infect anyone at home?

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That’s the thing know one knows still. It’s a very contagious virus but sometimes you can be in the company of someone and get it. Others times people follow the guidelines to a tee but can get it. I certainly don’t have the answers but scientists are baffled too still.

In all seriousness here, is ge just deflections from the state of the health system and how its not capable of handling covid or stopping its spread in hospital settings?

If you are getting a flight you have to attach your covid cert and locator forms (if applicable) for whenever you are going. I know for Ryanair you won’t be allowed board and they check when scanning tickets if the above is attached.

“Individuals need to make their own risk assessments”

@batigol and the boys scratching their holes again

Not the easiest to do after 4 jagerbombs and dark lighting

Dont tell me Saint Tony went on a foreign trip during a pandemic?

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Rumours are he was spotted in the algarve with a FOTF. Ewan has the proof

Sure anybody can go in n a foreign trip, Covid is everywhere including Ireland

Ha has form for this last year it was the full car parks everywhere because he could see cars parked outside his office turned out there was a huge refurbishment of the adjacent ESB building and one of the car park operators tweeted pictures of empty car parks around Dublin in the aftermath, in May it was his shock at people legally congregating on a public street and now it’s not having his papers checked returning home after they would have been checked in the departing airport.


Hes a real peeping tom

63 deaths this week. Averages exactly 9 per day.

Game changer I think. Or it should be.

In Romania?

16 deaths occurred within the last week.

That’s the sort of stuff that got said last year.

It was wrong then in how it treated the situation and it’s wrong now.

Second time today Cheasty has been caught lying about number of deaths. Very strange behaviour.

