Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Hot Lips v @Batigol, ding ding.


Imagine not checking Holohan, gobshites :smile:

If there’s any man you could safely assume is vaccinated, it’s Saint Tony

He’d clout them with his crozier if they tried.

As agreed with the Dept of Health, who Tony works for, we check 1 in 20 vaccine certs. The responsibility for checking lies with the airline


Someone pick Dr. Tony up off the floor.

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Do we know the reasoning behind NPHET press conferences resuming?

Did they need government clearance to resume or is it off their own bat?

Presumably they feel the need to get their message out to the public about rising cases and how we need to be careful etc etc.

But I got a chill when I saw a clip of the press conference the other day followed by all the media reports/tweets in the aftermath.

I was transported back to March-June 2020 when the press conferences were daily and my life partner used to watch all of them. :anguished:


Is your other half still glued to them?

Hospital numbers down 36 to 448 from 484 on Monday let’s hope that trend continues

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Remember a few years back the airport failed a security audit and they resolved to check each and every item on every passenger as retaliation. I queued for three hours to get through security.

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Maybe he should have done the old “don’t you know who I am”? routine on arrival.

How could we forget? The queues people in the airport 4 and 5 hours before flights just to get through security.

Haven’t a notion, think maybe one of the mods took a hissy fit

Tony’s back from two months in the Canaries

How did they phrase the question?

Delta + had arrived on theisland. That explains everything for the next few months

Bad hoors


No, thankfully.

Of the 63 deaths notified since last week (16 occurred within the last week), 59 of the 63 were those aged 55+

Cohort Number
55 to 64 4
65 to 74 16
75 to 84 15
85 + 24

11 of the 63 were an ICU admission.

The number of those deaths that had an underlying condition is up by 62 compared to last week but as there is a number unknown you cant say for certain that 62 of the 63 had underlying conditions.

Last week


This week


27 of the 63 are linked to outbreaks.

22 linked to an outbreak in a nursing home.

4 linked to an outbreak in a hospital.

1 linked to a community hospital/long stay unit.

Surely it is nursing homes they should be prioritising and not nightclubs?