Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

So nearly half of those died due to contracting it in a care facility of some sort?

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Regarding deaths associated with COVID-19 hospital outbreaks notified to the HPSC, it cannot be automatically assumed that all of these cases acquired their infection in hospital as this information is not always reported to the surveillance system.

I am going to automatically assume they were unless alternative information is provided.

Claire Byrne and Pat Kenny would be better directing their investigative journalism at hospitals

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155 deaths in September and that will probably rise. But we’re meant to believe this thing is over?

Says a supporter of the party which has been in power for over a decade.

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Who suggested we believe this? Is this a narrative in Ireland?

Um, most of this forum?

The official response?

September should be one of the most favourable months for not having having many deaths, and doubly more so because the vaccination roll out had hit critical mass by that stage.

If we’re having 155 deaths (which will probably be revised upwards) in September, how many will we be having in January?

No I don’t agree that most of this forum view it as over.

What official or politician have suggested it’s over? Find me even a single quote.

A guinea pig

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I strongly disagree with you.

Michael McNamara has consistently poo pooed the seriousness of the pandemic and he is the chair of the Dail committee on Covid.

Views which downplay the seriousness of the situation - which are denialist views - are everywhere.

Our official response now is not dealing with the reality of the situation and we’re sleepwalking into a similar situation to last year.

Did we actually have 155 deaths in September?

Not one single quote? So you’re making things up again?

Expect that 72 so far in October to be significantly revised upwards too, and we have 10 days of October left.

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Do you ever take a break?

Do you or others here ever stop getting annoyed by my posts?

'Tis great to know I upset all the right people.

The exact sort of people you’d want to annoy.

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I wonder what caused the other 2,400 deaths we had in September?


Nobody in the world outside your door would put up with your incessant moaning but you already know that so this craic is the limit of your capabilities. You are happy with that though clearly, like a fish in a bowl open mouthed monotony is your everyday existence.

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You should have just posted “I hate you”.

I’m comfortable with your hatred of me. Very comfortable.

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