Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Not perfect which is disappointing but 63% better than nothing. Much lower risk of side effects from vaccine than potential long covid side effects. Getting vaccinated makes way more sense than not. We still need to agree with living with the rest of risk.

In a population with no restrictions and a large cohort of non-vaccinated people driving the pandemic, you get lots of death.

And there are always more old people to provide more death.

The notion that children shouldn’t be vaccinated has been proven categorically wrong.

Not that you’ll ever get any of the “experts” here admitting that.

Hard to argue really


If the lads making these arguments weren’t such batshit crazy self righteous know it all loudmouth cunts I’d agree with them. Likes of those cadburys fruit and nut case corner boy types chasing pathcal down the street. In fairness what they are saying makes a lot of sense it’s just a pity they are so hateful that no one is paying them any heed

Conscience doth make cowards of us all
( @iron_mike )

Hateful? Sounds like you’re just afrerd of agreeing with anyone not publishing the establishment approved narrative


I see Tony is worried.

He wasn’t too worried when he headed off on a foreign holiday.

Do as I say, not as I do.


“We all partied” will be the next line

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Surely that’s the line the OIUTF mob would use to excuse their ignorance?

Makes no sense otherwise?

What the OIUTF mob have said here all pandemic has been very reminiscent of the spokesmen from banks and the property sector circa 2007 talking about a soft landing.

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It’s obviously perfectly safe to travel abroad if Tony does it.

But sure you’ve been saying it’s safe all pandemic.

Are you now saying it’s not safe?

Hell of a pivot.

No. I’ve never said it wasn’t safe. Just confirming for those who remained in doubt

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I don’t think Tony has any credibility or authority to speak on public health matters anymore.

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So, you say it’s safe.

So, why are you complaining again?

I dont think what I said was complaining

Tony likes to take high risks with public health.

Sure, buddy. :grin:

I’m happy Tony is travelling


What would you agree with and more importantly, why?

“Dr.” De Brun there just threw in a flagrant lie there to suit his own purposes.

Would you agree with that?

I’d agree with characteristion of the likes of De Brun and the other anti-science goons as “batshit crazy self righteous know it all loudmouth cunts”, for the record.

Although that characterisation would be very mild when talking about some of our resident goons here.

Hang on a second. Ireland is riddled with the Covid. Travel out of Ireland should be banned.