Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Paschal is unflappable.

He does well to avoid all the mud slinging amongst the blueshirts. Must be a canny operator

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No-one says “disgrace” like an angry dub


Yeah but Denmark have had a terrible year for sudden cardiac arrest.


It would make you think tbf. Things have been too quiet from the NYT and Guardian on Florida of late so you know it’s not meeting the script.

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So data says 0% chance of dying if under 25.

And a 0.01% chance of dying if under 45.

Jab ra lot of them though.

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Paschal handles himself very well there. Retained his composure. Nice balance of being generally aloof and keeping moving but engaging to enough of an extent so that one of these mad fuckers wouldn’t smash him in the head with a stick/bible etc.


Shhhhhh, you’ll offend the fanatics when you lay the statistics out to them.

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There was great rejoicing when their numbers rose for a bit. Ron stood firm, didn’t panicand stuck to the science. I’d say they’ll have to shoot him

Directly from the CSO website. Thats correct, mate.

Its good news you’d have to say in fairness.

You ever know someone will life changing implications following a sports match or a car accident or something trivial? You want to ban all those too?

Great news for people who want to live their lives.

Horrendous news for the fanatics who take glee in deaths and want restrictions in place forever more.


Very anti-science from the Floridians to not be dying like they should be

again, why would anyone have any interest in ever becoming a politician. one of the worst jobs I could ever imagine taking up.

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Did the Belgians give up?

These sort of people are exactly the reason we have the politicians we have.

Raging ego and the lure of power… and all the sex you want. Mad aphrodisiac is the politics.

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Not really. Unless there’s serious civil unrest you only get weirdos are attracted to politics in any case.
