Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It’s one of the top 5 medical journals and one of the oldest.

are you sure it is not a right wing mouth piece?


Not surprising really. I’ve on record here flagging the fact that the vaccine developers have unblinded their trials without so much as a regulatory eyelid being batted. The corruption levels are off the charts, but sure lash their products into babies and young children.

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Answer the question.

A question was put to you by another poster.

You didn’t answer it.

No, but I am sure only right wing media will report on it.


If you define “safe” as the condition of being free from injury, then no. Hundreds of thousands of people suffered injuries off the back of these jabs.

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Society demands it.

Society has been mugged off.

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What’s your evidence?

CDC VAERS database, which covers the USA, reports 647,150 vaccine adverse reactions (i.e. cases where someone is not as free from injury post-vaccine as they were pre-vaccine) from the covid vaccines to-date. Scaling that up for the rest of the world, I would like to correct my original statement from hundreds of thousands to millions.

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VAERS is not evidence.

VAERS is unvetted and is completely and utterly abused by anti-vaxxers to spread false information to spread anti-vaccine propaganda.

Historically VAERS has been shown to only report 1% of actual vaccine adverse events, although admittedly most adverse events are mild. What we can be more confident of is deaths after inoculation, which the FDA requires health care providers to provide. As of November 1 there were 9,367 deaths reported after vaccination.

Now the “experts” will respond and say those people were old and could have died of anything, not realizing the sheer lunacy of that statement given that in >95% of “Covid” deaths Covid was not the primary cause of death.


You are not dealing with reality.

Here’s what you’re doing. You are denying that VAERS is massively abused by anti-vaxxers.

Here’s what’s actually happening.

The question of motive on your part is the interesting one. It is my considered view that you have turned into a full blown anti-vaccine propagandist - though like most anti-vaccine propagandists, you will deny such - and all of your posts have to be judged against that background.

It’s a position in which disregard for facts and truth is integral.

The biggest issue with the clinical trials is they were biased towards the most favorable outcome. It was known in early 2020 that Covid was a dangerous virus for the elderly and those with certain health conditions but not for younger populations. Based on that you would think the clinical trials would focus on the at risk groups.

At the time of the Pfizer clinical trial close to 70% of all Covid deaths were in the 85+ age group, so you would imagine this group would be heavily featured in the trial. Yet only 4% of the trial participants were in the 85+ age bracket, and 80% in the 16-64 age bracket. It was basically set up to have the most favorable possible outcome.


The biggest issue with the clinical trials is that they are not complete.

The biggest issue with clinical trials in general are they are conducted by the Pharma companies who develop the drug candidates. Clinical trials should be conducted by independent government agencies who are not subject to financial incentives.




@Tierneevin1979 - why don’t you just admit that your real aim here is to spread anti-vaccine sentiment through pretending that you know some “higher truth” about the safety of the vaccines - which is in fact transparent bullshit?

I mean it couldn’t be more obvious what your game is.