Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

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Bit of context

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enjoy the pints lads, ye are fucked


I could do with a dry November. The constant looming threat of going back into lockdown has me out every weekend

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If they’d at least announce when the lockdown will be we could make a clear run at it.

Booster 4 in June 2022 will let lads go on holidays to Killarney.

Jargon, and extremely self conscious jargon at that. Jargon that is an attempt to portray an illusion of knowledge. If you need jargon to put your message across, you’re losing badly.

Real world evidence is in front of your eyes. Children spread this.

The unvaccinated are people.

Intolerant to think otherwise.

700 plus children are dead in the US from this. 100 plus in the UK. Many hundreds more a month in Indonesia.

Letting Covid loose on children is a grotesque and unethical mass medical experiment. Beyond the already known about Long Covid we do not know the long term consequences.

The worst kind of semantics. There will always be irresponsible parents, but we as a society have overwhelmingly taken the decision that we should vaccinate children.

Vaccinating children for Covid is the exact same principle as for everything else.

If and when the Covid vaccines are approved for children of all ages, it will be because they are safe and effective.

Same as they have already been proven to be safe and effective for all other ages.

You haven’t applied critical thinking. You’ve applied the worst kind of lifestyle contrarianism. That’s as far away from critical thinking as is possible. Soundbytes.

The next few weeks are crucial @backinatracksuit

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The hospital and ICU figures will catch you out yet, you need ICU pushing 200!

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We’ll see mate. I want this shite over more than anyone but its not looking great.

The ICU and hospital admission numbers are stable to be fair which is good.

If Meehall Martin steps up on the podium over the next couple of weeks/months and calls a lockdown, I would not be surprised.

Awful thing is, he would probably secure his pathetic political future by doing so.


Just send me the bank or charity details or whatever when the time comes, don’t bother tagging me in the threads, I can’t be reading this repetitive shite here anymore

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ICU baby, shakin that ass


Grand, no bother.

Shur our governments have contracts with Pfizer should anything go wrong

Cases have been on a fairly consistent upward trajectory but ICU and hospitalization seems to have leveled out. Hopefully that’s a trend

Is their vaccine safe?

According to Pfizer, yes.

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I was just sent this and wondered about the credibility of the bmj. It’s of a decent calibre so?