Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What are these extra powers?

I’m surprised you’re not aware of this legislation. Link is there for you. “Danger to democracy” - I suppose that only counts if you agree with the political persuasion.

Is it still too late to just blame China?

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It doesn’t remotely seem like a danger to democracy to me. The Government absolutely has to reserve the right to implement common sense public health measures in this situation.

Slogans don’t change the reality.

Are you turning your back so on left leaning political parties like PBP and SF?

I wouldn’t ask only I’ve been honest about my stance here throughout. I will never ever vote for FFG again after this. Absolutely never.

Paul Murphy seems to be in favour judging by what he’s been retweeting.

Sinn Fein aren’t a left leaning party. They’re a say anything they think will win votes party.

How is it a danger to democracy?

How are common sense public health measures a danger to democracy?

What I absolutely do think would be a danger to democracy is if we don’t get out of this pandemic - as you and the other OIUTFers seem to desire. There’s a serious Stockholm Syndrome there.

Hold on pal, what party is Paul Murphy in again?

I’m no political expert, but it seems like PbP are against the emergency legislation. Credit to them for that, sincerely. I welcome that from Sinn Fein as well.

Maybe the Irish Examiner are telling lies are they?

Have you started voting FFG??? , if so, thats some turnaround.

Politics is politics.

I have in me hole started voting for FG or FF.

What I do know is that the unvaccinated are the threat to democracy because they are they people who doing their utmost to keep the pandemic with us.

The unvaccinated believe lies. There’s no other way to say it. Lies. That’s what you believe. And so you are part of the threat to democracy.

We see what the anti-vaxxers and the self-proclaimed “paytriots” are like when they demonstrate and try to intimidate people by gathering outside their house and trying to intimidate them into silence. These are not people in favour of democracy, but fascism.

They are literally locking people inside their houses.

These are the people who demonstrate in favour of what you believe.

You, and the likes of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, @glenshane and the fruit bats here should ask yourself why is it that it is the actual fascists who are demonstrating on your behalf.

You’re wrong I’m afraid pal. Even DeGascunt has said so.

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We need a national effort says Stephen Donnelly.

Here’s another strange one. Moderna’s vaccine has been shown in repeated studies to produce the most antibodies against Covid and be the most effective in the real world. In May 2021 they announced their internal testing had determined their vaccine was safe for teenagers. Note that all testing is done by the pharma companies.

The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for 16 and older in August and have just now approved it for 5 - 11 year olds. Meanwhile the same FDA just announced this week Moderna vaccine approval for teenagers was delayed due to concern about heart inflammation, a condition that has been equally reported for both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

These vaccines are essentially the same, both are mRNA vaccines that make the Covid spike protein in your body. One is safe for kids, the other is not.

I wonder how much Pfizer stock those making the decisions hold?

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@Tierneevin1979 will be quoting Tess Lawrie next. The trajectory of these loons is always so obvious.

Who could have guessed that Big Pharma would have been involved in shady dealings that compromises public health for profits?

cc @glenshane

The Big Pharma shills look like some fucking idiots while the stock of the canny posters here sees their value rise on a daily basis.

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Fluvio now sees the anti-science racist as an ally.

What a surprise :smiley:

He’s not left wing. He’s a totalitarian, racist nutjob.

Sure isn’t he a shill for big pharma, an industry that has a track record in negligence and putting profits and bonus issues above public health, who have engaged in price fixing to price people out of appropriate medical care and knowingly launched unsafe drugs on the market.

I’ve been consistent on big pharma from day 1.

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At least Pfizer sort of half carried out some trials, however badly

Could the anti-vaccination in children monsters address this?

These are the figures for child deaths in the years before children started being vaccinated from various conditions.

Covid deaths in unvaccinated children are much more common than deaths in children were from the other things we now vaccinate them for.

So, if you’re anti-vaccinating children for Covid, you’re pro-child death.


The big pharma shills will keep on shilling. It’s amazing how they are so aggressive in their efforts to censor debate on this. I suppose fascists deal primarily in threats and misinformation so its no surprise to see the totalitarian regime being introduced toward the big pharma money spinning vaccines.