Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Psychosis is a terrible thing :grinning:

Looking back at it, we were fair lucky that flu, ever present in humanity since the dawn of civilisation, took the year off last year


Them pesky Swedes handling Covid without excessive restrictions and lockdowns.

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You can’t compare Sweden to the rest of Europe lad. That’s been established


Thank you masks and lockdowns.

Great that you’re finally admitting the OIUTF cult was wrong.

Denmark has a higher case rate. Invoking the “You can only compare Sweden to Scandinavian countries” clause, it’s a massive feather in the cap for Sweden.


I suppose when you stop counting cases, like Sweden have, you can pretend anything.

Belgium has produced no Covid data for the last four days.

According to you lot, that means the pandemic has magically disappeared there.

Amazing thing, magic, especially if, as the fruit loops like yourself here do, you think entirely through the medium of it.

You’ll be advocating them permanently so, I assume?

I advocate common sense public health measures, as I have always done, which you have consistently been against.

Why do you advocate for Covid to be let rip through unvaccinated children and for our health system to be overrun?

Some data from the north extrapolated from here:

Hospital admissions 1st Oct - 2 Nov

0-39s - 105
40+ - 850

But apparently it’s the unvaccinated that are the problem and apparently it’s the unvaccinated that are the ones filling the ICUs. :wink:

Our health service is overrun every winter.

That’s a slogan.

In pre-2020 winters we didn’t have Covid running rampant.

The other stuff doesn’t magically go away.

It is obvious now that OIUTF is a trojan horse for an extreme right wing, ultra-selfish, anti-society, anti-public services view.

All the pretend bleating from OIUTF posters before about the state of the health service was just that.

None of you ever actually cared.

You were and are opportunistic liars.

Deaths 1st Oct - 2nd Nov

0-19 - 0
20-39 - 1
40-59 - 13
60-79 - 57
80+ - 82

Amazing so many vaccinated people are dying and being hospitalised and the least vaccinated cohorts are not being effected by this, the word is it’s the unvaccinated clogging up ICUs - the data shows govt and media are peddling lies to beat the band. It’s almost as if age and health factors are the primary determination of susceptibility to Covid, not vaccination status - as the vaccines seem to be a little bit shit.

I was in hospital in Christmas 2019. The place was overrun.

You’ll be consistent and advocate for masks and lockdowns to stop flu filling our hospitals, I assume? Like they stopped the disease dead in its tracks last year

And that was the way you wanted it.

I’m vaccinated for flu.

Are you?

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I’ll probably emigrate in 2022 if we go back into lockdowns in the coming months


He’s a flu denier I think.

I’m vaccinated for flu. And Covid.

You are vaccinated for neither.

You want the health system to be overrun and for people to die needlessly. You show it with your actions, and non-actions.

You’re a shameless disgrace of a man, and I couldn’t be more serious when I say that.

I’m vaccinated for COVID

Glad you agree the place was overrun. I look forward to you advocating for masks and lockdowns for flu


I prefer when you disdainfully use “yis” and “youse”. I’d appreciate it if you could factor this into your future posts.