Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Is it any wonder America is so utterly fucked when outlets like Newsmax, one of many, many outlets which are the crack cocaine of disinformation, are everywhere, poisoning people’s brains like Nazi propaganda did in the 1930s?

Fair enough, but generally I would have thought across the world historically leaders or elderly populations main aim was always to protect the young.

I don’t remember it ever being the other way around prior to Covid.

We should be aiming to protect the young.

By vaccinating them and not forcing them into a situation where they are expected to “don the green jersey” and get Covid for the “sake of the nation” in some grotesque herd immunity experiment which won’t work anyway.

You would have an argument if the virus was a threat to young people. But more so if it prevented transmission or provided immunity.

It doesnt do either. Thats totally clear now.

De Gascun is even telling you that. Think about it. Whats the point then?

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It ks a threat to young people. It is far more of a threat than most other things we vaccinate them for.

I’ve helpfully provided the figures to demonstrate that.

The vaccines are safe and effective.

There is no credible argument against vaccinating children for Covid.

Yes, FG would love to bomb palestine if they had the chance

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There is. But you’re not going to be able to realise it. We’ll leave it there pal.

You’re entitled to your opinion.

An extract from the book


One senior member of the health service says it’s ‘easy to pass judgement’ on Donnelly, ‘but a lot of people don’t like him’.

“He gets hooked on ideas that are so far off the point. His ability to focus on things of little relevance in the middle of a crisis is astonishing. I saw him once on the Claire Byrne Show, and all I was reminded of was Ron Burgundy in Anchorman.”

Why? The official recalls the scene in the Will Ferrell comedy where it’s discovered that news anchor Burgundy will read anything on the teleprompter.

"Then the next night they write ‘go fuck yourself San Diego’ and Burgundy [reads it out, and then] says ‘that’s a wrap, good show, thank you everybody’.

“That reminds me of Donnelly, that it could be an absolute car crash and he’d be ‘well done everybody, that’s a wrap’. When he’s answering questions on national television saying ‘I’ll get back to you on that’ or ‘Just before the show I looked this up’, he just doesn’t see how bad that is.”

Another official, continuing the pop culture references, says he reminds them more of Ricky Gervais’ character from The Office.

“He comes into meetings and says things like ‘You know, I couldn’t sleep last night guys because I was going on Claire Byrne this morning, so I got up at 3.30am to do a jog, about 10km, and these thoughts came to me’ and he goes on. It’s [got] something of The Office, of David Brent about it.”

Hammered, both privately and publicly, in the press and in the party, Donnelly’s reputation would sink or swim on the rollout of Ireland’s vaccines.


Be interesting to see his 10k time


Hmm. Not sure if a Ron Burgundy anecdote is enough to end his career

Might get him a few more votes around here


You’d go through walls for that man.

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Being out of your depth hasn’t affected any previous health ministers jobs in recent years. Egghead will do well in future

Must be a frosty atmosphere at the DoH this week.

All set for my covid test this morning. Bring it on.

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Sure isn’t that the standard from all the politicians they just read what the civil servant writes for them in response to questions. I do think that civil servants who write the answers to the questions have some sort of competition to see who can make their minister look the biggest idiot.

We really don’t. When they look an idiot it’s probably because the government has done something wrong or questionable and they’re being questioned and held to account for it and there’s no good answer. Otherwise when they look an idiot it generally means they’ve gone off script. Or they’re just idiots. In fairness, they can be required to remember detail across a very wide range of issues including things that aren’t their brief and that’s not easy either.

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Could be time for some of the newfound expertise on Sweden to be put to work.

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Thought we were certain to have another lockdown but with numbers in ICU dropping it looks like we won’t be having one. Delighted.

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Expect a pivot back to Long Covid from the doomers this week.

Tbf there’s usually a lag between case rises and hospital admissions etc so THE NEXT TWO WEEKS ARE CRUCIAL.

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