Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thereā€™s a string pulling those elbow bumps. Thunderbirds style.

Why have the 95k waited so long?

That 95k figure is wrong

The bad news is it turns out they didnā€™t.

And that the figures were wrong.

Boosters were wrongly categorised as first doses.

Must have been a private sector outsourcing job, you get what you donā€™t pay for and donā€™t get what you do.

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Egg on the face of Gavan Reilly. No surprise there.

A fucking joker.

Sorry to disappoint you but I donā€™t think Stephen Donnelly and Gavan Reilly are having an affair.

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Tapping shoes too. I perfer a hug myself

Fair enough. I would think anyone who wanted the vaccine over 12 or whatever the age is now would have taken it at this stage. The 95k was an outrageous stat if it was first dose

Yes. Time to apply the stick to those who took the selfish, lazy decision not to.

Be some reduction in posts in this thread if Sid had not got banned from YBIG.IE.

And all for making a joke about gambling.

Hi Swifty.

I put this earlier to @TheUlteriorMotive. No answer. And none of the other denialists made an attempt to answer it.

Not a tongue in their mouths, not a brain in their heads.

Unable to debate.

Just a load of shrieking man-babies.

She backtracked on most of that speech on Pat Kenny this morning.

Verona will say any old shite sheā€™s fed if it means headlines & more interviewsā€¦

Iā€™m not familiar with her politics at all. I thought she was very good there though and she rattled Donnelly a bit.

He seemed to be seething through his mask which was good to see.

No cases = no pandemic , I donā€™t believe in human history weā€™ve ever gone to the daily lengths of publishing these meaningless case numbers. Day after day on every RTE news broadcasts.

Deaths from all positive PCR tests being counted as covid within 28 days of a test result regardless of cancer, road traffic accidents etc would help too.

Then youā€™ve the absense of the aul flu last winter. A real miracle. We were very lucky as a society that we escaped that.

Even given all that, regardless of vaccination status. Its misfortunate people at the end of their lives that are dying from this virus in November 2021 with vaccines and November 2020 without same.

Zero deaths from March 2020 to October 2021 in the 0-24 age bracket in Ireland. That needs to be weighed up with vaccines for young children. It should be a parents decision at least without coersion and vaxx passports for kids playing indoor sports etc.


But not counting cases does not mean you donā€™t have cases.

It just means you lose control.

And itā€™s censorship.

The absence of the flu wasnā€™t a miracle.

It happened because there was very little international travel and because of masks.

The rationale for vaccinating children for Covid with the safe and effective vaccines available to us is just as convincing and more than the case for vaccinating for the other things they are already vaccinated for.

The numbers prove that conclusively.

Counting cases would have been fine if we were able to stop this virus.

Unfortunately we canā€™t pal. Itā€™a endemic now and is something we have to live with as a society. Its time to move on from the scaremongering of the public.

Its an awful virus that affects the vulnerable and elderly. They should get all the vaccines and protection we can give them. Absolutely, but to lock down everyone else and impose restrictions without considering all the consequences of same is crazy.

I know if I was 85 years of age I wouldnt want a 6 month old to take a vaccine to protect me. Maybe thats just me though. The youth have suffered enough and it hasnt been justified.

People arent to blame for the deaths at the end of the day. The bastard of a virus is.

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Iā€™m struggling to find a point in that post.

Believe me, 85 year olds want to live as much as the rest of us.

When I hear people talk about sacrifices, I only hear ā€œyour life is a sacrifice I am willing to makeā€.

Like I wouldnā€™t mind, but the same people who are now talking about sacrifices theyā€™ve had to make are the same people who were deriding the younger generation for supposedly not being resilient enough.

As it has played out, it has become apparent that the least resilient of all were those who previously liked to deride othersā€™ supposed lack of resilience.