Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Be interesting to see a graphic of how many people caught it in the hospital because I know there was an outbreak within the hospital recently.

There was a nasty stomach bug going around the creche lately which was brought home to us. Young one was sick enough for a couple of days and we all had a go but not too bad , but another lad in the creche ended up in UHL. Super infectious so they isolated him in the hospital by sitting him on a window sill away from everyone else.

Great country

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Ireland is fucked if it’s a bad winter.

Europe starting to get out of control again according to the WHO.

According to the WHO??

I think he totally disagrees with you that covid can become a very serious problem and that vaccinations are crucial . Could the two of ye have a big argument about covid to give cheasty a break?

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its been pretty much like that since I’d say June 2020


this fella conor riocht has had a very bad pandemic

Will be 16000 cases today here. One day after the Minister said the 15.5 k yesterday was catching up after the weekend :slight_smile:

Germany shooting up. When will Boris get his apology?

Great to see the vaccines working so well, they will need 4 doses in Limerick at least though.

What colour would Britain be? Guinness shite?

Deaths since July 19:
UK, 12,582 (within 28 days)
Germany, 4,533

Dimmy: “Germany needs to apologise to “Boris””

Also Dimmy:“Fuck New Zealand with their 28 deaths all pandemic, a disastrous job.”

Is Dimmy actually Toby Young? :grin:

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You really are getting your rocks off at all these people dying. A bit of time out in the fresh air and away from the internet would do you a power of good.


Same as ourselves I imagine

Myself and @Tierneevin1979 ? He seems to have a dispassionate, informed and objective take on the whole shebang. My only claim to fame is being consistently right about almost everything and saving countless lives by inventing ivermectin and promoting vitamin d. I suppose I’m just a humble servant and willing conduit for those who seek truth etc.

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Not a piece that is ageing well.

Masks are probably of marginal benefit in a society mostly reopened and I don’t really understand why people have kept banging on about them when at best they might delay infections by a couple of weeks.

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That’s the organisation with a top fella up on genocide charges.

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Exactly, it was like this prior to vaccines but some lads just don’t have the ability to probe the narrative.

The Government is not planning the reintroduction of Covid restrictions, but daily cases will hit 4,000 either today or tomorrow, the TĂĄnaiste says.

Leo Varadkar said that while there is concern over the ongoing rise in cases, that figure “does not mean what it meant last year”.

Mr Varadkar said that while he did not envisage restrictions being reintroduced, he could not rule it out.

“I can’t rule it out and it will be reckless to do so. But I can say that it’s not our intention, and we don’t expect to have to reimpose restrictions before Christmas,” he told RTÉ’s Morning Ireland.

"The situation is fragile, but it is stable. We will see cases hit around 4,000 today or tomorrow. They are heading that way and there’s a backlog of unreported cases, so we do expect to hit around 4,000 In the next couple of days.

"But three or 4,000 cases a day doesn’t mean what it meant last year, last winter. The number in hospital last night was 46, ICU 90. It’s been pretty stable for the past two weeks, which is reassuring.

“It’s telling us that the vaccine model is working, that infections in cases aren’t turning into hospitalisations to the extent they might and thankfully aren’t turning into high levels of deaths, although the deaths are happening and every death is a tragedy.”