Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

4,000 daily cases is probably as good as 10,000 vaccines.

Sure whatā€™s a bit of genocide amongst fiends

Fluvio has been a great fan of Bolsonaroā€™s non-handling of the pandemic.

Brazilian senators have voted to recommend charging President Jair Bolsonaro over his handling of the devastating Covid pandemic.

A Senate panel backed a report calling for charges against Mr Bolsonaro including crimes against humanity, after 600,000 deaths from coronavirus.

Iā€™d say that got you very excited.

I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve ever commented on Bolsonara on this forum, posters can feel free to search my posts which I have open to inspection to conflict this.

I suppose liars are going to continue on lying and narcissists will always attach themselves to causes so they can exploit victims suffering in a cynical manner for personal gain.


My father died from Covid, buddy. Therefore everything I post is written against the backdrop of that horrible experience and the wish that others avoid such.

You are a genuinely extremely disturbed person, as has been shown with your denialist posts all pandemic.


Oh dear. Here we go again.

And do you think this might restrict you in any way of looking at this issue objectively?

No, buddy. It enhances it.

Whereas the likes of you are dumb hurlers on the ditch.

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Likely those poor kids had underlying conditions. I saw a father of a kid who was in the at risk category pleading with people who hadnā€™t got vaccinated to do so. The mentallers were furious with him for having a sick kid.

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Poor form asshole.

I think itā€™s perfectly relevant. I know Iā€™d never try and pimp out grief Iā€™ve had or denigrate someone close to me to back up a lunatic view of mine on the internet but I guess that is where you and I differ.

Itā€™s poor form. The same poor form you love to highlight and criticise. Hypocrite.


ā€œTrue freedom is the freedom of the unvaccinated to infect children with underlying conditions with Covid.ā€


Itā€™s not poor form whatsover. Youā€™re just aligned with a maniac so I guess thatā€™s your issue here. If he had any respect for his father, he wouldnā€™t keep cynically introducing him into a discussion like this without any need to. Heā€™d show him some respect and not use him as a prop when he starts losing a debate.


Woah. Classy.

Fluvio is a terrible manbaby.

Chickens out of debate. Then decides to go nuclear and yet again expose himself as the low down piece of human excrement he is.

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Ahem when he made that comment to Art Foley I told him it was poor form. Youā€™ve been calling him out on it repeatedly even after he apologised. And then you go and do the same thing. How he deals with the loss of his father is his business.


Fluvio hates himself. Heā€™s dripping in self loathing. And thus he hates everything else.

Embarrassed Peace Out GIF by Jimmy Arca

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