Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The symptoms started soon after in both cases. Neither suddenly developed symptoms years later

How many experimental vaccines have been rolled out in under a year for a novel virus?

Again, disconcertingly vague. I deal in what can be established.

Boy took vaccine, two years later is diagnosed with narcolepsy.

Girl gets vaccine, four years later is diagnosed with narcolepsy.

Yet you are definitive on this despite being very vague and ambiguous with the hard detail. How can you be so definitive, there is nothing there that supports a definitive line. Anyone who is pragmatic and logical about this would get even more skeptical about your claims when they read those articles, they only undermine your definitive conclusions.

Are you trying to suggest that both of those people only developed symptoms years later despite the facts in front of you in the article that this is not true?

Previous vaccines Iā€™d have had the kids enrolled for had a long body of research behind them and also prevented illnesses that potentially could have had real devastating impact on them personally/individually.

In this current instance, Iā€™m more cautious as thereā€™s no discernible immediate threat to their health without the vaccine and no real body of evidence on potential medium/long term risks. Thereā€™s no real risk to them not getting it so why risk anything by getting it?

As I say, I was ok with using it myself, just not convinced in putting the needle in their arms


Iā€™m sticking to what is said in the articles and not idle speculation like you.

A boy was diagnosed two years after his vaccine with narcolepsy, a girl four years later.

So in two or four years time will we be discovering that vaccines have caused long term side effects? Itā€™s certainly possible.

Youā€™re dead right to be skeptical and you should do what you think is right and best for the kids.

Not what a bunch of vaccine fascists tell you to do when the bottom line is they donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.

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For what itā€™s worth for kids I can understand why people would be hesitant. Iā€™m not trying to shame you into getting your kids vaxxed. Iā€™m merely pointing out that were they to have an adverse reaction it would be apparent fairly quickly and not years later

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Iā€™m sticking to what is said in the articles. Both developed symptoms soon after getting the vaccine

Tell that to that girl and her family who were diagnosed 4 years later.

The girl that got symptoms a month after the jab? Is that the same girl?

Yet neither of them knew what was up with them for 2 years and 4 years respectively.

I understand thereā€™s no one here trying to heavy hand when kids are in the equation. I did find the radio ad campaign a bit unsettling tho tbh.

Itā€™s a tough dilemma that comes down to the parent really and I donā€™t think thereā€™s a right or wrong approach

I donā€™t even know who these people are, or who you think is paying attention to them. There are plenty of conscientious credible scientists and doctors whoā€™ve expressed reservations for a variety of well informed and thoughtful reasons. The nature of the vaccine itself is one, the need for it amongst the majority of the population is another, then youā€™ve the fact that effective alternatives are dismissed and their proponents censored and attacked. You might also throw coercion, the futility of lockdowns, lack of trials, the promise of a safer vaccine, censorship of any discussion around the immune system etcā€¦and on and on.
There are eye watering sums of money bring made and you donā€™t have to look beyond currently running legal cases to see that ā€˜big pharmaā€™ is capable of corruption, bribery and harming patients in the interests of profit.
Thatā€™s all fine and well. The vaccine is clearly saving lives, itā€™s long term side effects arenā€™t known but theyā€™re probably a secondary consideration for a vulnerable strata of society. Ultimately what youā€™re left with is the question of young people taking it and even younger people having it imposed upon them by parents or politicians. Statistically thereā€™s no justification for this unless you accept the notion that we harm a few of the young in order to offer slight help the few elderly who arenā€™t vaccinated . This in my view is morally questionable, of dubious benefit and potentially harmful.
But people have josen their side and itā€™s easier for most to adopt simplistic blunt abusive sneering attitudes to deal with their opposites.

Iā€™m just glad Iā€™m infallible.with this in mind Iā€™ll state that anyone pushing this on teenagers is ignorant, selfish or a combination of the two.


The girl who took 4 years to find out what was up with her, yes.

But she did develop symptoms a month after the vaccine, yes?

It took her four years to find out the cause of the symptoms that developed immediately after the vaccine?

Remember that time Gerry Killeen called children ā€˜stealth bombersā€™ in this pandemic.

That was an incredible turn of phrase.


It took four years for her to be diagnosed. Did you not read the article?

Weaponising terminology, shameful

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