Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Any chance of a lend of a few bob lad?

According to the article she did. Yet it was four years before she was diagnosed and it was 10 years before it was linked to the vaccine. Do you have the timelines on everyone else impacted?

Mental stuff here, representive of the mentaller anti vaxer movement

Somebody very close to me was once diagnosed with cancer and told that it had been there for years, did he get cancer on the day he was diagnosed or did he have cancer before that??

FFS :laughing:

Have you? Or would you be spoofing?

This is the type of dangerous misrepresentation you have to deal with.

Nobody I’ve seen here is anti-vax. Some people should certainly get the vaccine if they are in an at risk category but we have vaccine fascists like you. Really nasty and ignorant small man syndrome chaps like you who want to dictate to people that they must put an experimental drug in their body for a virus that is not of any major threat to them.

Can you square your logic up there?

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So after spoofing for a good few posts trying to make out that people who had symptoms almost straight away didn’t have symptoms straight away you’ve finally admitted defeat

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Nope. You’re still failing to answer my question.

How would YOU know?

How long did it take the symptoms to appear?

I’m don’t think I’ll be getting it for my kids. I thought the ad on the radio was fair though and yer one from NIAC was fair when I heard her on radio. Wasn’t any way pushy and said it was up to people themselves when it comes to kids. That is definitely the way to go.

The moment you are diagnosed is not the moment you become infected with anything, that’s my logic.
If a person has symptoms and is not diagnosed for some time after that then I would argue that they contracted whatever it is initially, not on diagnosis

Again, that’s my logic and you are arguing the opposite

I couldn’t possibly know when the symptoms occurred for everyone involved. I do know that in the two cases highlighted it took years for their conditions to be diagnosed. What do you think of the possibilities of people being diagnosed in 2/3/4 years times of long term conditions relating to any one of the Covid vaccines?

No, no, no.

I was talking about your deliberate misrepresentation of other people’s views. I think it displays a real small man syndrome in you. Why do you resent people taking personal choices on their health when it comes to the vaccine and why do you then try and incorrectly label those people as anti-vax?


I think it said one month in the article?

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Just came more as a shock to me I think than anything conveyed hearing it on the radio

We’ve not required kids to wear masks but now are encouraged to have an even more intrusive form of protection via needle.

Just uneasy feel about it which hasn’t been counter-balanced enough for me personally as yet but may in time

No it said it took her 4 years to be diagnosed. You should pay more attention.

You’re telling lies.

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Afraid it’s you who is telling porkies.

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Lock it down. The covid vaccine is only a cod against the Marburg virus

That’s Guinea added to the list @Batigol