Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Big Pharma, doesn’t work apparently, kills a load of people. Something like that.

Who does their charts? They look so bad.

It’s almost like anti-vaxxers are always wrong about everything.

But wait:

“The HPV vaccine doesn’t stop cervical cancer!!!”

“You don’t seriously believe the MSM, do you!!!”

@Rocko would be doing lads a favour by locking the thread.


nope, its better keeping it open as a containment strategy. if he closes it then it can spill out into all topics, including the lauded limerick chippers

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I think the original reply by @Cheasty to you was out of order. He was almost inferring a blame on you for Covid deaths including his Dad because you don’t believe in the zero Covid strategy

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We should all be giving thanks to those who gave us a “meaningful Christmas”. It worked out so well. A real present.

Let us not forget where he tried to use @Declan_Moffat’s recent experience to score points too.

Post it up there, buddy.

Of course we all know why you hated that post.

It was because it made fun of anti-vaxxers like you.

And to you, nobody should ever be allowed make fun of anti-vaxxers.

This is all a bit unhealthy.

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Are pills as complicated as vaccines to manufacture?

Sure you just mix them with a bit of rat poision and they’re good to go.

The comments you’ve made are extremely personal and unnecessary.

You are trying to justify your poor behaviour by claiming his behaviour is poor. That shows a lack of class and a lack of empathy. Most people would consider what you’ve said out of bounds. You can choose to go down into the gutter or you can choose not to, it’s entirely your choice and it reflects entirely on you.


No you can just buy a machine that presses them out, I saw a video on Vice of two lads making them from a bedroom.

You’re not wrong and I said as much above, but there’s limits to what it’s necessary or reasonable to go into on here.

Lads trying to rationalise peoples behaviour on here. Why would you bother your holes. Just accept this thread in particular drives rational men crazy, so imagine what it does to those already on the edge.

Let it go.

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4000 cases a day, that will get a few lads on here hard

They’re not unnecessary, there’s a pattern that he introduces his father’s death and tries to weaponise it when he’s ran out of road with his insane ramblings. The insane ramblings that were exhibited long before that.

He’s a history of misrpesenting the views of others and cynically trying to polarise debates into a left/right political spectrum on the most minute exchange of views. We see regularly how he likes to champion himself as a protector of sexual abuse victims but when the reality comes, he treats sexual assualt victims like a football team, if the alleged abuser is tied to his political leanings, he will ignore any allegation whatsoever.

That’s all entirely accurate and when it gets called out he likes to play the victim, by a long, long, long way he’s the nastiest piece of work on this forum. He’s unique on this forum for the depravity of his comments and for the lengths he went to try and cause real life issues for a large number of this forum, including trying to get it shutdown.


That will only give them semi’s, its the death figure that will really get them hard.

stiffs get them stiff

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