Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

So you think calling a poster on cynically throwing up their personal grief any time they are losing a debate is equivalent to goading a poster about their wifeā€™s cancer by calling them a rapist.

You see itā€™s the same poster who wants to pimp out their grief only when they running out of road in a debate who also tries to goad posters about their wife having cancer.

This is not a new tactic, I remember he accused posters of killing his father because they disagreed with his zero Covid stance. Heā€™s the boy who cried wolf and I think it reflects really poorly on you when you align yourself with a defend such a toxic individual. Thatā€™s your choice though,

I can only speak for myself but I would not try and use grief or the victimā€™s suffering in such a cynical and callous way as our resident nutjob does. We saw yesterday how utterly hollow his stance on sexual abuse victims are, he only cares about how he can use them to score points on the internet.


When all else fails you can always try and pimp out your fatherā€™s death sure.

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Youā€™re the lunatic.

You are.

The fact is youā€™re out batting for the guy who tries to use the fact @artfoleyā€™s wife had cancer to goad him.

Let that sink in.

Fluvio is a terrible chicken. No wonder he hasnā€™t left his room in years.

At least he apologised for it and the apology was accepted. Iā€™d say the only time you apologised was after you made some crass remark when a poster died. Iā€™d say you thought about digging in then too. Just your style I suppose.


Did he apologise before or after he then tried to doxx the whole forum because he couldnā€™t accept his banning

What crass remark was made?

Tell me this, I think youā€™re too spineless to answer it, but do you think itā€™s respectful to try and use a dead person as a means to score points when youā€™re losing a debate. I donā€™t. I think itā€™s crass but then again youā€™re the guy going out to batt for a lad who goads posters about their wiveā€™s cancer with rape allegations. Thatā€™s the people you align yourself with.

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Heā€™d have made a great trench digger in the British Army in World War I. Not such a great soldier though.

I donā€™t think that post in reply to me was reasonable or healthy, but attacking someone on their dealing with their grief is out of bounds for most people. This is really poor form pal. It shows a complete lack of empathy and itā€™s nasty and unnecessary. Be a bigger and better person than what you are being right now and know where to draw the line.


I think we need to be empathetic to Fluvio given heā€™s suffering from a serious case of psychosis.

Hurray for Fluvio. We all love you, buddy.

Whatā€™s even more bizarre is heā€™s getting likes for it. Fucking weirdos.

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Dealing with their grief?

Is that a crutch for him to do anything? Plenty of people have grief but they donā€™t try and weaponise it when they get found as being a toxic spoofer on the internet. His toxicity was well in place before grief became his excuse not be accountable to all the dishonesty, polarisation and toxicity he brings to this forum.

Whatā€™s more bizarre is youā€™re the one backing up for the poster who goads other posters about their wifeā€™s cancer.

Itā€™s lovely to see that sort of moral support for a person that needs it. Thatā€™s what makes TFK a community.

Youā€™ve a lot of lads badly rattled when they rightly go to town on you for what you said but encourage the same behaviour when itā€™s directed at you.

He may well be a toxic fella but having a go at him over his father does nothing for you.

this is bad even for here


A lot of lads here have built their personas on supposedly calling out hypocrisy but themselves being the biggest hypocrites of all.

Their pomposity and pontificating is hilarious.

Iā€™m not having a go at him over his father. I just think trying to weaponise his fatherā€™s death when heā€™s losing an argument is disrespectful to his father and itā€™s crass. The same way in which he tries to use sexual abuse victims as a political football. Heā€™s a toxic individual and inserting his fatherā€™s death into things when heā€™s ran out of road is disrespectful.

Weā€™ll all be taking pills in Ibiza