Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Apparently 18 died in ICU this week.

So not all the people in icu died? Lots of them got better?

So 18 people dying in ICU doesn’t have an effect on the numbers? OK buddy.

Heard 2nd hand tonight of a lad in his early 30’s who was due to get married recently, but due to a combination of a chest infection followed by covid he passed away.
There was also a related tragedy where someone in that family was killed in a work place accident during the week.

Sounds like a really horrible sequence of events.

You would count your blessings hearing that sort of stuff.

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I can respect “my body, my choice” for younger people, but Rogers and co. need to stop this “I’m not antivaxx, do what you want but here are loads of reasons why vaccines are bad, I do my own research, I have my own doctors
” etc.

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No that’s warped logic you’re trying to project on me. I’m pointing out that icu numbers fell because some people died and some recovered. You are lying by omission mate. And you know it.

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very concerning

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I was supposed to go to the opera tomorrow night and it’s been cancelled. Things are getting serious.

See, there are some benefits from this covid lark.



Probably Uighur kids lining up for chemical castration.


United could do worse than poach this fella for their next manager

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Swan lake?

adam lambert jacket GIF


That’s a ballet you peasant


I presumed they could take place in an opera house!

Presume away like you did before the County final.



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The virus loves lads getting a bit cocky