Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Its a really snakey virus that way.

What’s the point of the vaccine if it doesn’t give you confidence.

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That’s a fair question, a question that challenges the forum both philosophically and scientifically. The sort of question the forum could really enjoy wrestling with on a long chilly November evening.

Would you like to kick us off @carryharry (not in the way that @Rocko lad kicked me off various racism forums mind, that would be egregious)?

This chap is an idiot. Get on with your own shit and don’t be trying to instigate shite on twitter like an attention seeking cunt. The important numbers seem to be moving in the right direction at the moment which is great. Hopefully the booster programme taking effect.


There was a great racism chat in the Manchester United thread that you could have weighed in on without being censured by the mods.

Ach, I’ve not much interest in any of the racism threads tbh. It’s more the injustice, pettiness, playing the man not the ball etc that concern me

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That’s enough about Manchester United’s performance against Liverpool.

Absolutely no covid passes requested in Ennis today in every pub after a sensational intermediate county football final finale, great to see, fuck you holohan


Who the fuck is still listening to Holahan? He will be out on patrol later to see what outrage he can when he tweets about people out meeting and enjoying themselves. The joyless cunt.


Proper order. Holohan would not be impressed.

He was talking to the so called journalists telling people to walk out of a restaurant or pub who were not asking for papers today.

The fella has an incredible ego. How he has that power to say that without one vote in even a local electon is beyond me.


Would the kids who listen to Big Bird be on Twitter?

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It wouldn’t be unusual for a bird to tweet.

She’s always been about the vaccinations

The snuffalufagous species all died out from a virus, so it’s not surprising it’s a cause close to his heart


Big Bird is an alright sort.

Big Bird is a he

Don’t you fucking dare

Was he the first character on kids TV with mental health issues.

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