Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Where’s that reported?

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Got my booster on Sunday morning. Ran with military precision out in the racecourse. Got the text 48 hours previously.

If they had as many nurses in UHL as they do volunteers out at the vaccination centre we’d have a world class health service.


Over here your epatient account is updated once you reach the six month anniversary of your second shot and you can then book your booster shot. Should be end of November in my case. The inlaws are 80, they’ve had them already.


There’s a pandemic going on. It’d be a bit mad not to keep track of hospitalizations, fatalities etc. If the Covid stats irritate you so much then probably just stop reading them although I do recall you made a fool of yourself when you posted up the Swedish excess death rates as if it was some sort of proof that Covid was a cod or Sweden had done well.


It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know to be certain that just ain’t so

You want volunteers nursing?

I knew Paw Patrol was an allegory of a totalitarian state.


Some lads wanted them policing once upon a time.

There already is one


Could give the teachers a bit of work

  • I do not approve of snitching
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Ah lovely, a sort of volunteer Gestapo.

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Sweden have done exceptional, this drives covid zealots to irrational anger.

The point went above your head, as usual.


Exceptional what? Euthanasia?

Christ you’re thick


I predict that Sinn FĂŠin will hit the mood music of the public and get a political win out of this in the next few months.

Social Dmeocrates are the same as the folk who ratted out people to the brits during the famine. Cunts

