Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Covid deaths are worth more than other deaths, not sure what exact factor is used but that seems to be the rationale of the covid fanatics.

Itā€™s impossible to put an exact quantity on the covid deaths ā€˜savedā€™ by locking people up for 18 months less excess deaths due to lockdowns, which is handy for these fundamentalists. Maybe a formula to assess their value like:

covid death > {(any deaths due to restrictions^2)+ (putting everyoneā€™s life on hold for 18mths)}

@EstebanSexface is a maths grad or PhD from memory, perhaps he could formulate something.


Iā€™m very much pro-vaccine. Iā€™m content to obey regulations around mask wearing and social distancing, if it keeps the peace and letā€™s us go about our daily business unhindered. However talk of another lockdown, and the continual nonsense from Covid zealots calling for ā€˜vaccine mandatesā€™ is seriously testing the goodwill of moderates like me towards the current restrictions.

I am against the vaccination apartheid thatā€™s currently operating in restaurants and cafes. As a person who is fully vaccinated and trusts in the Pfizer jabs I received to keep me out of hospital, I couldnā€™t give a flying fuck whether the guy sat beside me is vaccinated or not. Thatā€™s for him to decide, and this current form of coercion is quite frankly disgusting and shameful. Once Iā€™m vaccinated, I feel Iā€™m safe relatively speaking, and thatā€™s all that matters to me, and all that should matter to any vaccinated person.


Thatā€™s a superb post, redolent with logic, glowing with tolerance and something with something else etc. You can decide to dance round your table all you want, as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Odd thatā€™s what you take from it. The least vaccinated cohort seem to be the least impacted by hospitalisations.

Thatā€™s very balanced. If you believe in the vaccine and got it then itā€™s absurd that youā€™d be frightened of the unvaccinated and itā€™s refreshing to hear that rather than the vaccine fanaticism of someone like @the_man_himself.

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Jaysus, youā€™d think that youā€™d be able to keep that to yourself in the circumstances, :man_shrugging: His child was almost hospitalised, have you any idea how frightening that is?

Glad to hear sheā€™s on the mend @Gman, Iā€™ve heard of a number of similar cases recently, and the schools contract tracing (or lack of) is a joke


Fourth wave of Covid triggers restriction demands across Europe (via @IrishTimes) Fourth wave of Covid triggers restriction demands across Europe

Party Wave GIF by MotoGP

And round and round we go.


Demands? Jesus itā€™s like the crowd who suggest we should rejoin the commonwealth or give the Catholic Church a greater say in the affairs of the nation.

The last angry man Paul Treyvaud with yet another Newstalk interview there

A serious amount of them show up at the border. Usually from one of two cohorts but Iā€™m not sure I can mention either on TFK

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Drug dealers selling certs for people to say they have taken experimental drugs?

World has gone mad.

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Iā€™m not a drug dealer.


Thatā€™s brilliant. Lads afraid to take a vaccine but who know a drug dealer.

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Numbers had gone down to 444 but they have rebounded strongly in the last couple of days.

Surely people could see that was going to happen as there is a lag between a positive case and requiring hospitalisation.

6-7 days lag for hospitalisations.

Whatā€™s the story with the roll out of boosters, anybody know? Seems almost impossible to get any data.

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My mother got one


53k given out up to Sunday evening.