Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Fuck you egghead


I’ll need some sort of government grant if he wants me to go twice a week.

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They’re trolling the public at this stage.

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Is it actually spelled Ossian? The fuck is that?

The only people physically able to go twice a week can’t afford to.

Thats the correct spelling alright. Strange one.

Hospitals in Germany are filling up again.

Does @Tim_Riggins want to get a little graph out on that?

NPHET briefing today at 2pm.

Lads ye will be burnt out by the end of the year. Turn off the radios, TV’s and turn a blind eye to Twitter and MSM lies. Whatever about COVID, lads are tying themselves up in knots to be more right than the next fella about who can predict the bigger doomsday scenario cobbled together with graphs and statistics. There’s an awful lot of good things around you if you open your eyes and stop consuming the “chewing gum for brains” that’s being peddled by social media and RTE. I’m double vaxxed by choice and chose to be on the basis that it would vacinate me against this disease. It hasn’t done that but they tell me the booster jab will. I won’t however be going back for anymore. I’m out here cutting and splitting a large oak that I knocked at the weekend (fuck you too Greta) and life is great. The only negativity in my mind currently is the thought of a family above in Gowran today trying to piece together what’s left of their lives.


MY eyelids red and heavy arc
With bending o’er the smold’ring peat.
I know the Aeneid now by heart,
My Virgil read in cold and heat,
In loneliness and hunger smart.
And I know Homer, too, I ween,
As Munster poets know Ossian.

The next two weeks are crucial guys

Is it time to put on the green jersey again?

Could be time to Don the white vestments


Has Nolan got a new spreed sheet?

Glynner looking downbeat as he goes through his PowerPoint
Used the word “unfortunately” a lot already

T will do untold when he gets to speak you’d fear

551 in hospital, up 31
89 in ICU, up 6

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If you’re planning to have ten pints, perhaps just have five?