Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

If you’re having 10 people over, say you were planning to have 20


Multiply the people by the total number of pints. Divide that by the number of nights. Halve that. Then one pint for the pot

Multiply that by the R number

Twas robably just hay fever you had you soft cunt.

All sneering aside it’s fair enough advice to be giving. The current approach is basically exactly what OIUTF have been calling for since summer 2020. Personal responsibility with everything open.
Most people don’t give a shite fair enough but if their message even gets through to a certain percentage of people it will help stop transmission by a little bit and keep the numbers getting sick a little bit down

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Presume thats bad news?

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I’m off to Ballysimon for a test later.

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Just back from Citywest.

I don’t think I have it but it’s good to be sure.


My gym uses vaccine passes and in doing so everything inside is the same as pre Covid.

It’s a win win.

And no Smith racks.



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Very responsible of them. Safe environment for all.

Back under the bed Mid West inhabitants

Beautifully illustrated

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including 1,801 in Limerick, 1,027 in Clare, and 546 in North Tipperary.

national 14-day incidence rate has increased to 915 per 100,000.

This means Limerick is below the national average. As is North Tipp I’d imagine, without getting out the calculator. Sensationalist headline, the midwest is mentioned because they talked to some lad in charge of the mid west.

Limerick is well down the list nationally


My gym does the same except with no covid passes

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