Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I wish you well on your endeavours.


I have absolutely no issue with people being asked to show their vaccination status in order to access certain areas of society. There is a pandemic raging.

What I do have issues with is the half assed comments from the start from government, vintners groups and publicans around enforcing it just because they don’t want thd hassle or are looking for the coin.

You’d do well to spend a day or two thinking about the meaning of this word.
As for the pandemic that’s raging around you? It has a 0.03 fatality rate, mostly amongst people who are at deaths door. It’s hardly the bubonic plague. A bit of common sense would do no harm


I do not like vaccine passes. I think it’s creating a two-tier society and I can’t think of a single example in history when that worked out well.

I’ll certainly stop using any business who decides to implement them when it isn’t a legal requirement


Vaccine fascists don’t know the meaning of the term common sense.

Ah relax.

Anti vaxxers are hardly being forced into concentration camps.


You’re free to disagree with me. That’s the beauty of living in a free country.

I don’t think it’d be a good sight to see someone who hasn’t gotten the vaccine being excluded from almost every aspect of society.

I’ll field it and get back to you pal

They can also get a cert if they’ve gotten covid.

As I’ve said all along I think there should be a testing element too and then there’s no inequality and I’ve no problem with it. But if this is the one thing we have to deal with and it allows society to function pretty much as normal as opposed to places being closed or nine euro meals and 90 minute sittings then it also doesn’t bother me much.

And a test in most countries.

I honestly can’t understand the reluctance for antigen testing here

Pike Jnr had his first Covid test last week (Pike Snr has yet to have his). Has had two separate incidences of a “wicked bad auld dose” since September, coughing away like a fella on 40 Major a day, nose running like a tap and regular temps 38+. Didn’t get him tested the first time, but with the GPs demanding tests and his maternal relations also going for tests, we took the plunge this time round. Came back negative so it must have been just one of those auld viruses that used to go around in a relatively benign fashion, back in the good old days. I’m hoping him having had two good traditional colds already will stand him in good stead for the rest of the winter.

As an aside, surprise #2496 of parenting - how long it takes infants to shake off anything. Yer man has been in a state of pure misery for 11 days that he is only coming out of now. I was inclined to send him off to the cot with a woolly hat, a scarf, and a jumper so he could sweat it out, but apparently this isn’t the done thing.


At the stage we’re at now if it was in widespread use it would surely catch hundreds of cases and take them out of circulation. And it should allow access to a cert too but I don’t really care that much about that.

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It’s become more about compliance than safety lately, in my experience anyway.

A near weekly occurrence at work now is me meeting “can I speak to a supervisor” merchants giving out that their pass wasn’t checked by an immigration officer. If I point out that the responsibility lies with the airline they usually say they didn’t check it either. I usually reply with a politer version of “why the fuck did you get on a plane with 200 other people so if you’re so concerned”

Do you have some data on that?

The vaccine fascists refusing now to believe what’s patently obvious, I think we have seen on this forum about how some people simply cannot admit the error of their ways no matter how wrong they have been.

Do yourselves a favour. Lose your mind and come to your senses. Spend a few quid on protecting your elderly relatives/selves. You’ll be a long time waiting for the likes of Tony and Simon to do your thinking for you, there is no scenario where they’ll back ivermectin…no matter how much the evidence stacks up.


Where were you living before Covid mate?

There’s no such thing as society pal

Vaccinate everyone so we don’t have to show ze papers? I don’t really think that this is a “moderate” view. There is little or no difference between either scenario, as mandatory vaccines for everyone and vaccine passes violate the rights of those who object to vaccines for religious reasons and those who can’t get vaccinated on medical grounds. And that’s not to mention the absolute absurdity of vaccinating all young children for a viral illness that does not impact them.