Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Send out an email saying following Tony’s advice we won’t be having two parties, just the one


I don’t know, another year of arguing the same points over and over again and I feel like we might get there

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You are discriminating on the basis of age. That is what is wrong there.

Old people, by virtue of the very fact that they are old, are impacted more by this virus. That’s not their fault.

People have a choice to take a vaccine.

We, as society, have a duty to protect our elders and the vulnerable from this by doing our part and getting vaccinated.


Having to show proof of a medical procedure in order to attend a restaurant is restrictive, you Nazi.

Except if you’re old. Lock them up. Which is more in the lines of what the Nazis did.

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I’m not. I think you missed the point.

You made a clear distinction regarding old people. Why?

What planet have you been living on? Old people have been locked up in their houses, thanks to NPHET and RTÉ.

Actually not for the last year or so. Under your model they would be permanently locked up.

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I referred specifically to “very sick old people” drinking in pubs. I don’t ever recall seeing a very sick old person drinking in a pub. I do recall seeing lots of very sick old people in nursing homes. Introducing vaccine passes to get into a pub is not going to protect “very sick old people”, who are those most at risk of dying with Covid.

Of course it does. It goes some way to stop the rampant spread which would make its way to the old person at home through a carer etc if it was a free for all.

It’s sad that the most common sense here is what the idiots will reject profusely with their ignroance. You are 100% correct here but you’ll have the middle Irelanders arguing with you without applying a modicum of intelligence to their position.

What do you mean by this line?

Common sense?

Indeed. You were the fella that didn’t realise that a lady was kicking you to touch and was wondering whether to text her again to meet up.

Naivety sums you up better actually. Hidden behind a forceful opinion. The worst type.

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This could be a tremendously useful phrase.

Your bird drinks pints of beer so I won’t be taking any advice from you. Has she hands like a plasterer too?


so you’d prefer that a large number of people are inconvenienced for a small number of people against taking vaccines.

Also your last point about a viral illness not impacting children is absolutely and totally incorrect. Children get vaccines for multiple things, a vaccine for children against covid, much like the vaccine against flu designed for children, is a necessity for the entire population to get closer back to normality. the point oft made that you can still transmit having a vaccine is true, but what keeps being totally avoided is that having a vaccine prevents far more from getting it in the first place.


To quote Fabrizio Romano…here we go!

Time for a good, delicate, yet also considered cupping of my balls.


It’s just bizarre that you still have to make these kinds of simple of points to these apes at this stage. Some gobshites will choose to believe what they want to believe regardless, whether it’s anti-vax, climate change denial, or flat earth or whatever.

Just like you man.

Tell us what the uptake on the flu vaccine for kids is.

You like to shriek but you’re not much of a man for detail, accuracy or substance.