Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


Hold on…

When I’ve taken my kids for tests they were showing “ symptoms “ and needed a negative test to be seen by a GP.

Do you think people are getting kids tested for no reason whatsoever?

The flu is of more danger to them. Do you get them tested for the flu?


Both have received their flu shot for this year.

Both take a daily vitamin also may I add.

I’m not overly worried about my kids with Covid ( @Gman daughter getting so ill was a worry ) but it is most certainly a worry that they can transmit it to either of their grandfathers.

If I was to take the advice of a certain cohort then my children wouldn’t have any interaction with their aging Grandfathers. That seems fair so the lads can have their pints in peace though I suppose.

Because you just said this

It seem you’re spouting on about something you’re entirely ignorant of, all you can do is shriek - when it comes to putting something substantive, intelligent of sensible up you find it to hard to contribute.

Just give us an honest answer and tell us you don’t know.


In relation to influenza, the case numbers are significantly fewer - seven cases have been reported here compared with 7,777 for the same period last year.

But I thought there was no flu last year?

Why do they always lie and lie and lie and lie again and then you have the gimps on here swallowing everything they are told like the dolts they are.

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I don’t understand the relevance of your question. Why would I put up flu vaccine numbers? What’s the point?

I think that anyone that wants to compare covid to flu is an idiot. They are not comparable. Covid ground most of the world to a halt, flu does not. Comparing the two is for idiots, or contrarians who live in their own little world believing whatever they want to believe. There’s really no point in engaging with such nonsense.

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Surely the uptake of flu vaccines in kids is relative to Covid? The data certainly seems to say that flu is the equivalent or more of a threat to kids that Covid but they are both beyond remote dangers in reality.


Replying is kind of stupid pal….

You’d hardly bring them to their grandparents if they’d flu/covid like symptoms?

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Remember the canny operators who questioned the narrrative that there was no flu last year when the HSE, gov and media sources pleaded this was the case.

Looks like they’ve been vindicated again as there was flu last year, they’re now lying and claiming the same again this year.

You’re wasting your time engaging with that village idiot Harry, he’s about as intelligent as he is brave.

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Fair point.

My statement was not intended as a sweeping one covering all viral illnesses. Instead, it related specifically to this particular coronavirus. If you read my previous posts you’d be aware of the point I was making; children have reduced development of COVID-19 and are not susceptible to infection in the first instance. Sure, go ahead and vaccinate children for viral illnesses that they are at risk of. This is not one of those illnesses, however.

As an aside, it was no surprise to see Limerick’s finest white privileged anti-traveler racist Nazi swoop in on the back of your post. That dickhead’s inability to comprehend what he reads has long since been established.

Depends on the age, but if you’re talking about young kids then the answer is yes. There are umpteen other childhood viral illnesses that have not gone away, and just because a child shows symptoms matching covid, a positive test doesn’t automatically mean that’s it. There is ZERO science to support this view in fact, and plenty to support the fact that children are not susceptible to covid.

This is genuinely exhausting. Where the fuck does @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy get the energy to ladybird this stuff, day in and day out, for the forum.


Tell us exactly how vaccinating your children against covid protects their aging Grandfathers. Exactly. Use science. We can handle it.

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I’m surprised you’d ask that tbh.

Even though we can now see the HSE and Gov lied to the people last year when they claimed there was no flu.

He works for a family business therefore can get away with doing no work. Plenty of time to put all his energy into spouting rubbish on this.

I think you’ve entered the wrong pub here….