Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Just checking the math here.


It might be time to book a nice break in the UK for Christmas.

Good spot, I actually had 10pm in initially, but changed it to 9 as I’m always a bit seedy if I stay out too late of a Sunday.

And who pays for these antigen tests?

There isn’t much clarity on that, but it sounds like Tony Holohan wants people to pick them up in Lidl, along with some sausages and a bag of charcoal.

Didn’t Tony and other NPHET/gov ministers lambast the likes of Lidl for selling them?

Liverpool playing Atletico Madrid at Anfield should have been the warning sign.

Nothing good ever comes of it.

I filled my supermarket trolley with toilet roll and eggs the next day just in case.

I must put my tin foil hat back on. I thought the same thing watching the game. Shouldn’t have gotten the vaccine your reading my thoughts over 5G


Holohan to pull the trigger on January 2nd. Sustained Level 5, the works.

He knows the government won’t do anything before Christmas.

Not true

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Your playing 4D chess here mate.

The next two antigen tests are critical


Yes, I paraphrased what he said.
That’s why they’ve been so slow to recommend their use.

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Sorry mate.

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Holohan has played this brilliantly. He’s going to pass an enabling act to appoint himself taoiseach, imprison all publicans and bar staff, block the sale off all non essential foodstuffs and then order the carpet bombing of all major cities on the afternoon of December 5th. Enjoy the pints tonight lads. Hope ye have a great night.


Vaccine cert required to purchase food anywhere will be NPHET’s next recommendation.

You can get the vaccine or starve.

It wouldn’t suprise you with some of the zealotry and dogma the vaccine fascists on here are coming out with. Ironically it’s the woke ones who are deep down the most nasty and intolerant of everyone else’s views and beliefs.


I see paddy will be made to wear a mask outside, that is the new one from NEPHT :rofl: :rofl: