Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

the flu shot is an annual occurrence, aimed for predominantly winter time. I’d have assumed Covid was going to eventually go down a similar route, where vulnerable people take it annually coming into the worst weather and it would be optional for other people.


While not suggesting a return to restrictions for now, NPHET has urged people to stop going to reopened premises such as pubs, clubs, restaurants and various other businesses if they want those businesses to stay open.


Pubs and nightclubs will be gone by the end of the month for 4 months, full lockdown from mid December untill 15th April


Has Nolan produced any new models yet?

If they’d open the pubs for 5 hours of a Sunday evening 5pm - 9pm then I’d be delighted with that.

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These lads make it up as they go along. A fucking cod.


Peddling snake oil

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Don’t forget they came out against masks at the outset also.

I feel very confident and uninhibited when I’m wearing a mask.

Savage. Darren Frehill needs a raise.

It will be an Easter weekend to remember.

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May bank holiday will be off the charts (in a responsible manner)

Paddy Public still getting mugged off by these clowns 20 months later and still quietly taking it


And not a fucking chance will the media hound him on this.

4,568 cases

Enjoys the pints tonight lads, its over, full lockdown is coming, Paddy can’t be trusted to behave

Full Lockdown is being prepared for November 22nd.

I’d say the pubs and clubs will be gone once it hits 5k a day

Gardai told to cancel any leave they have after Nov 22nd


That’s positive swabs, which are already under reported by 4k.

They could throw out a figure of 6 or 7k tonight if they wanted to.

Holohan is playing this brilliantly, ye’ll pay for last Christmas very dearly this year