Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I don’t speak for no one

The people we speak for themselves. Tbh I expect the irish people to accept restrictions lying down

Remember that.

All along it’s been about socialising for you, and lots of alcohol.

Theres no point in explaining this to you again. Its always a small bit more with no gain.

You’re being disengenous, pal

De Gascun has spelled it for you above? Does he need a hobby as well?

It’s a fair point really. I don’t think a majority support strong restrictions at this point but there is a loud minority who will struggle to ever get over Covid.

For the most part, the stuff this evening is window dressing. Extension of passes is all a bit useless.

Cases will be falling by Christmas with the number of boosters given out and as this wave tops off then and most people will chill out again.


Dumb it down to that if you want but be honest is that all you think about in normal life? I’ve had more enjoyment actually in community groups and sports matches than filled with liquor and packed into a bar. That was the worst thing about these restrictions

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Hope you’re correct, mate

Nah, I get on with my job and rearing a family as best as I can.

You just bitch and moan. Then you celebrate boozing in “ crowded areas “ where nobody “ cared “.

Dumb enough for you?

Anecdotally people are modifying their behaviour already on account of “the numbers”. I know of multiple meet ups that have been postponed. If that’s the case across the population it’ll be more effective than restrictions on gyms.

Israel saw a dramatic fall with just 40% of adults given boosters. Cases are meh but get the media cycle going.

Nail on the head mate. I would be more concerned as to what some fellas get off a toilet seat in those settigns

Wtf is NIAC waiting on?

Happened every wave so far with the numbers pointing down before hard restrictions.

I think most are going to be more picky. They won’t bother with the office or going for a random meet up but the theatres and stadiums were packed over the weekend.

That’s conspiracy talk. Uncertainty and precarity have always been the watchwords in this pandemic. None of this is conspiracy, it’s cold, hard reality.

The bare facts:
Covid hospitalisations:
June 25th: 38
November 15th: 622

Covid ICUs
June 25th: 13
November 15th: 117

These are not sustainable trends.

The only good thing on the horizon is the booster programme. But that is still in its infancy.

And the beneficial effects of that, when they do come, are likely to be offset by mass spread elsewhere.

Current approvals covers nearly 1 in 3 adults I think. Will probably be more like 2 in 3 after tonight and if you want to lie, you’ll be able to get one. The pace of the rollout seems to be slow though.

In fairness I’d imagine they’ve given boosters to nearly anyone that’s eligible.

My Dad is done and dusted over a month now and got Flu shot same day.

He’s currently suffering with a head cold though :man_facepalming:t2:

Don’t think so. Around 350k given out but the majority of 70 somethings haven’t got theirs despite being over 5 months.

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McConkey back on tv!!!



Reminiscent of Napoleon sending in the old guard out of sheer desperation.