Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I doubt it. It should be easy enough to get info on per capita testing in the EU, would seem a simple check for a journalist. I also doubt that we are testing more than most of Europe anyway.

Since we’ve just had two large outdoor events at the Aviva we should have data pretty soon from our contact tracing to tell us whether the events cause a spike in cases or not.

You do realise there is no difference in transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

There may be a benefit for the fully vaccinated in avoiding serious illness for a few months That is about it.

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Contact testing, ah stop.

That not true. Stop telling lies.

Was Cillian De Gascun lying?

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Close the hospitals

2 weeks to flatten the curve protect the vulnerable wear the green Jersey have a meaningful Christmas 70% over 18 fully vaxxed 90% fully vaxxed. We go again. People aren’t going to accept keeping their lives on hold anymore after a bite of normality the last few weeks. Sinn fein might have their vote but mĂ© fein will be the attitude when you give everything and get shit for thanks

I see your Im Alright Jack now elvis

Does that mean you’re vaxxed, and if so for how long?

Not a fuck was given about covid in the country roaster triangle on Saturday. Ryan’s Flannerys and coppers. Certs and ids checked so covid stayed outside the door

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If you could answer the question that would be great. That there is a bunch of slogans.

Flesh out which lies exactly you refer to and in what way exactly are people seeing through them?

Again I will repeat: we are being lied to, but we are being lied to in an effort to keep things open while public health measures are reduced to the minimum. Which is exactly the way you don’t want to be lied to if you value public health.

We were lied to when we were told schools were safe. We were lied to when we were told we could open up society as we have done, in a safe manner.

That’s how we were lied to.

All studies say vaccination reduces transmission. It doesn’t stop it does reduce.

Let it rip and we can have a meaningful Christmas double vaxxed and some rich antibodies

Listen here buddy.

You don’t speak on behalf of the population of the Island.

You continue to trot that line out and it’s not funny anymore.

They are the lies

What are the lies? What exactly? And how?