Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The risk is basically the same. Based on an airborne disease the risk of exposure will be the same whether you are there for 15 mins or 5 hours. Its all a game to be seen to do something, make it so much of an inconvenience that people won’t go out to these settings rather than making a decision to close everything again or fully open which will draw criticism either way

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David Cullinane was on the radio there…


fucking hell
lads…if this is the type of fella who we have entrusted to run the place we’d be better of giving Hoolahan control of the gate until 2027,at least you know where you stand anyway

my god…


NPHET sold the country and the Government the option to “save Christmas” with an October lockdown.

Anyone who claims that the public would have accepted a lockdown from the end of October 2020 until May 2021 is engaging in revisionism. There was going to be widespread breaking of the rules over December as the public were promised their break, in fact there was still widespread breaking of the rules as it was with the number of house parties in response to the tight hospitality rules that were there. Ireland had the most restrictive summer in Europe remember, the public wanted a break.

NPHET themselves got themselves into that tangle with their poor modelling and not understanding that the first lockdown was unique and believing that shutdown = suppression. The numbers were not as low as NPHET had hoped and they panicked. I have not read Chambers book but what I can go on is their communication to Government. Yes they recommended a shut down of hospitality but they also left leverage to the Government to pick and choose what restrictions to bring in (ie limit household contacts). NPHET and the Government were caught in a rock and a hard place last Christmas from a position of their making in terms of what was promised to the public and the situation they faced.

In reality, all that led to was Ireland having a higher peak than Europe did for a couple of weeks. We had a different timeline to them with their December being rough whilst Ireland’s was open and their January into February being more open before they had a comeback wave in mid to late February.

In essence the differences were small in terms of “stopping a wave” through NPIs. People claiming the public would accept 6-7 of lockdown are being disingenuous, they wanted things open at Christmas and in January they quickly clamoured for the unrealistic Zero Covid. There had to be give and take with the public as we are not China. The biggest issue in Ireland was not being more like Denmark in that period in terms of employing mass testing and better protections for nursing homes. When Denmark lockdown in December 2020 for a month the authorities apologised to the public. They strived to avoid lockdowns as much as possible, it was the weapon of choice here.

As for Paschal Donoghue, his position is understandable. Just as you will credit a public health person for “doing their job”, so was he. Ireland had one of the largest effective deficits in Europe coming into November 2020 and we also had the longest lockdowns. Things aren’t free and we have to be conscious of how the ECB and the rest of Europe goes. The latitude to keep a hard lockdown for several months in Ireland was not there until other big European countries pursued similar- something not clear in November 2020.


Same effect of reducing contact so from the perspective of people looking at the overall numbers.

And there you have it. The Irish government spent a fortune in Q2 and Q3 in being real Super Coviders- we kept 100s of thousands on the PUP longer than needed and were then faced into a year end where we were tracking the same as Europe virus wise but had already spent a fortune.

Pascal Donohue was off the wall apparently in being wary of borrowing billions more to put 100s of thousands back on the PUP.


I don’t think you can write off the importance of exposure time in transmission.

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My youngest got sent home from playschool. We were told she was coughing. She had a cough over weekend, but was gone yesterday. In school yesterday, no problem. Mrs FWP is fuming.


seems reasonable from the creche in the current circumstances

Does these people not realise I need to train for a half marathon? I had my oldest chap at home with me last midweek for 2 days so could see things developing in this way. The mood music has most definitely changed now.

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UHL continues to break records, 95 on trolleys today - the highest number recorded. EVER.

But shutting the pubs earlier will solve everything…


If that’s what govt is proposing I predict Tony will invite himself on 6 o click news to address the nation

Seems like a reputable source.


Funnily enough, she told me this morning that she had two new teeth. That probably explains it.



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That’s desperately sad.

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It agrees with my viewpoint so doesn’t matter anymore

Here’s an idea but did they ever think about investing in bed capacity and staff?

I agree, using someone’s death as a sense of glee to score points is incredibly sad. Particularly when you consider the same poster’s previous comments.

Depressing. Desperate what they are doing to young people.