Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

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We have been denied a shot at living.

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Ah here Fulvio! He posted that without comment. You can’t just assume “glee” because he posted it. It’s an awful thing for that woman to be going through.

You’re agreeing with something I neither said nor meant, mate. Please don’t twist what I said to suit your agenda.

Ah! FFS! what am I saying? It’s the TFK way!

Why did he post it?

Someone died of Covid, but it suits his narrative. When you see the disgusting allegations he levelled at other posters alleging they caused Covid deaths…

Disturbed individual.


It’s unbelievable the lack of leadership and common sense that covid pandemic has unearthed in places …

Has there been any outbreaks linked to niteclubs since they re-opened?

A midnight curfew basically shuts them down in all but name, or severely restricts their ability to run their business profitably.

Another case of going after the low hanging fruit, the bogey man for NPHET - alcohol.


Among my circle i don’t know anyone who wants any restrictions. Media peddled nonsense.


Are you seriously suggesting that in the run up to Christmas there is nothing to worry about with thronged pubs and people on top of each other due to said alcohol?

Get a fucking grip.

Paschal mightn’t have had to borrow so much had he not been so ignorant about public health.

3 linked to a public house in the week beginning the 1st of November. Nightclubs not called out specifically.

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Mrs FWP has subsequently being told that the little one cant come in with any cough, even with a negative PCR.

If we cant have packed pubs and stadiums now, then when?

The virus is in control mate. We don’t get to make those decisions with any certainty.

They’re already thronged.

Why are people so hung up on Christmas? Christmas 2020 was carnage in Ireland because they kept things shut right up to that season with draconian restrictions. There is nothing particularly unique about Christmas and the mixing happening now apart from inter generation mingling from the 24th onwards. The initial vaccines still provide brilliant protection from severe illness and boosters show real world effectiveness as driving down infections.


Shur Holohan and NPHET are already canvassing for masks in outdoors settings. Outdoors.

There was no surge in cases from the All-Ireland finals in August and there probably won’t be from any at the two matches last week.


Except for the fact that all of this costs the State money and stops tens of thousands doing their job and progressing their careers. We have an Influenza virus that causes carnage in hospitals and we haven’t heard this line before.

Why are so many fully vaccinated over 80s dying with Covid so?

The vaccines were never 100% effective. People were always going to die after their roll out.

Yes but the majority of people dying up north are fully vaccinated. I think it’s just blatantly false to call them brilliant when so many fully vaccinated people are dying.

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